Aquarium Snail Eggs On Glass | The Ultimate Care Guide

Have you discovered aquarium snail eggs on glass or in a place where no snail would be? Small snail eggs take around your tank with a fresh decoration or piece of wood or even an aquatic plant and, within minutes you’ve been surrounded by snails.

Perhaps you decided to include some fish in the aquarium to serve as cleaners. However, you didn’t realize the implications of their rapid reproduction.

Maybe you’re okay with having a large number of snails and wish to make their food sources for the other inhabitants of your aquarium. Some hobbyists do not think of snails as insects. They are beneficial in many ways. However, there are times when you must use it moderately. Like chocolate cake.

Whatever classification you belong to regardless of your position, you must be aware of the behavior of eggs and the appearance of the various snail species to ensure that you can effectively care for or get rid of them.

As a frightened or friendly species, snails reproduce quickly. If allowed to multiply, the prolific egg producers could easily cause an outbreak in your tank.

I’ll go over the different appearances of snail eggs as well as the gestation process in order to stop the eggs from forming a colony, and what to do with the eggs in case you’d like to do.

Aquarium Snail Eggs on Glass: Facts and Overview

Care Level:Very Simple
Lifespan:2-5 weeks based on species
Size:175 millimeter (.034 cm)
Family:Planorbidae, Buccinidae, Ampullariidae and many more
Minimum Tank Size:5 gallons
Tank Set-UpFreshwater with plants
Compatibility:Serve as food to a variety of species

Eggs of snails and the manner in which snails lay eggs or carry them are different according to the species. In addition, the manners in which they get into your aquarium also vary. Maybe you have some snails that were introduced to your tank, and before you realized it, you had eggs.

Perhaps you have introduced an exotic plant (or ornamental) in your aquarium, without being able to quarantine it for the normal 14 days. A plethora of snail eggs appeared on the plant. However, at 1/75 inches (.034 millimeters) in each egg, one may not even have observed their presence until after the eggs were hatching.

A whole clutch which’s an egg cluster inside a gelatinous sac that is about 1/4 inch (.64 centimeters). It’s easy to miss them, particularly when they’re located on the bottom of the driftwood piece or concealed on rocks.

Freshwater snails often put eggs on the underside of leaves of plants or on the top of rocks. Some attach their clutches to the glass of their aquarium. It’s important to remember as well that some snails, including Japanese Trapdoor Snails, livebearers but are not able to lay eggs.

A different variation between species is the amount of reproduction they can achieve. Assassin Snails as well as Rabbit Snails, for instance, don’t reproduce as often or frequently, while Bladder Snails and Ramshorn Snails have a large number of eggs and breed frequently.

The Benefits of Aquarium Snail eggs on Glass (Also Snails!)

There are two major advantages of snail eggs:

  • Fish food: Certain fish, including some species of loaches, molly fish, gouramis, catfish and goldfish, will consume snail eggs. A word of caution: Make sure that the fish you are feeding them do not pose a threat to different fish that you have in your tank and the tank size is enough to accommodate these fish, some that grow very large.
  • They transform into snails: Though it’s important to control their population, snails perform the role of tank cleaners by eliminating your tank of food and plant detritus, waste from fish, and algae. Certain snails (Assassin Snails) actually kill other snails and help to keep the thriving snail population under control. In terms of aesthetics certain snails are attractive.

The Disadvantages of Aquarium Snail Eggs on Glass (Also Snails!)

  • Infestation: It’s extremely difficult to stop the growing population of snail egg eggs , particularly because you may not be able to see snail eggs. When you’re dealing with an abundance of snail eggs, you’ll eventually experience an overpopulation of snails.
  • They transform into snails. They hatch into snail eggs and snails are both a blessing as well as a curse. A higher number of snails means more waste. Yes, snails consume waste but they also generate it. And if there are excessive numbers of snails this could tip over the water’s parameters and threaten your fish. In addition, the fact snails consume waste indicates that they’re fed well and are more likely to reproduce.

The Production of Aquarium Snail Eggs

Reproductive Form

Snails are a great source of reproduction; they can make eggs, or they carry eggs in their internal organs. I’m not going to go into detail about the former because the primary topic of this post is on eggs that can be found within your aquarium.

Snails that carry eggs are livebearers, which include Malaysian Trumpet Snails as well as those Japanese Trapdoor Snails which I previously mentioned. If you’re interested to learn more about livebearers and their habits, check my article about Japanese Trapdoor Snails.

Others snails lay eggs on rocks, plants or even on the glass in your aquarium. The egg-laying species are Assassin Snails, Ramshorn Snails, Nerite Snails, Mystery Snails, as well as Apple Snails.

Reproductive Type

Snails reproduce in 3 ways:

  • Asexual: This procedure generally produces a clone, or partial clone. The scientific term used to describe this is parthenogenesis. Reproduction is not a male affair but in the absence of male fertilization only females can be produced.

Sexual reproduction occurs in certain livebearers, like the Malayan Trumpet Snail and the Malaysian Trumpet Snail, therefore you won’t have eggs being deposited in tanks with this species.

  • The “traditional” male/female pair The “traditional” male/female pairing is sexual reproduction that requires a male and female snail. They lay clutches that could easily surpass 200, depending on the species of snail. They can take from one to three months to deposit all of the eggs. It takes between 1 to five weeks for eggs to develop.

Snails that are sexually reproducing include sexual reproduction include Snails, Brotia Pagoda Snails, Japanese Trapdoor Snails, Mystery Snails, Nerite Snails and Rabbit snails.

  • Hermaphrodite snails are capable of deciding and changing its gender. Regarding reproduction, that means the snail is able to lay eggs as females and fertilize the eggs in male. Bladder Snails, Pond Snails and Ramshorn Snails show hermaphroditic reproduction.


Aquarium Snail Eggs tend to be transparent, which makes them difficult to discern. They are also small: one-quarter of an inch (.034 cm) that makes it difficult to observe them. Sometimes, they appear as the color of milky pink as well. When you look at Mystery Snails, you’ll see dark spots on eggs, which is actually an embryo visible through the transparent egg.

The clutches, also known as gelatinous sacs inside which eggs are kept, are also transparent and approximately 1/8 millimeter (.64 millimeters). There are a variety of eggs that are contained in clutches that vary according to the species. The Ramshorn Snail clutch typically has approximately a dozen to two eggs. The mystery snails may contain hundreds or even more eggs.

If you’re trying to find the fish in your aquarium, search for them under the leaves of plants, on rocks, or on the glass in the tank. Mystery Snails are a good example: put their clutches on their surface glass on top of the water and, when their eggs hatch they sink in the water.

Habitats and Tank Conditions

If you’re planning to keep Aquarium Snail eggs to maturity and hatching, it is important to ensure that you include live plants and driftwood and stones to ensure they have an area to nurture their eggs.

Aquarium Snail Eggs do not require any kind of filter system, however, if the eggs hatch and you get newborn snails, you’ll require a filter in order to keep them under control.

A basic filter will suffice for most applications. However, With Ramshorn Snails You must be able to regulate the levels of ammonia and nitrate.

Conditions of The Water

If you’re trying to encourage the growth of snail eggs, warm water can encourage the hatching process to be faster and more breeding. The species of snail you choose to breed with Aquarium snails and their eggs need temperatures of 65-80 degrees Fahrenheit (18.3-26.7degC).

If you’re hoping to reduce the number of snail eggs in your aquarium, decrease the temperature, but keep an eye on the parameters for water that are required by other plants and fish inside your fish tank.

The same is true for snails. snails and their eggs fare better in water that is alkaline therefore, ensure you have alkaline water in case you plan to raise eggs, and also make it more acidic if you’re engaged in controlling population. Remember the requirements of your other fish in your aquarium.

The only exception is Nerite Snails, which need to be laid in brackish water. If you are planning to raise Nerite Snails you’ll need to move eggs, along with any ornamental or plant they are connected to into a different tank in order to hatch. This is due to the natural conditions and the habitat must be recreated in your home aquarium , if you’re expecting the birth of a baby Nerite Snails.

If you’re looking to reduce the population of snail eggs inside your tank consider adding a teaspoon of salt to the water. However, be aware that salt is detrimental to the fish in your tank, so be sure to consider every species before taking a move.

The best parameters for healthy development of snail eggs (keep in mind that they differ depending on the species):

  • Levels of pH: 7.0 to 7.5
  • Water hardness between 5 and 15 dKH
  • Temperature of water: 65degF to 80degF (18.3-26.7degC)

How Big of an Aquarium Do They Really Need?

The size of the tank isn’t an issue when it comes to snail eggs. They can grow in small tanks and larger tanks. The problem will arise when you are flooded with snail eggs, and you don’t have the space to house all the eggs that are hatching.

Tank Mates

The tank mates you select for the Aquarium Snail Eggs is contingent on the purpose you intend to use regarding the eggs. Predatory fish are great choices when you’re looking to manage or reduce the Freshwater snails population. I’ve previously discussed specific loaches, catfish and goldfish.

If you’re looking for healthier snails, then you’ll need to avoid the fish that consider them to be an element of any of four food groups.

The best choices for those who want to watch your snails hatch with no problems are Danios, Rasboras, and Tetras.


Naturally, eggs do not require any external nutrition however food choices can affect the number of snail eggs you’ll have. Feeding your fish too much can provide the snails with more food, which leads to increasing the number of snail eggs.

If you’re looking to manage your Aquarium Snail Eggs population, it is best to limit their food intake by making sure that your fish aren’t fed too much and regularly trimming plants to eliminate debris and then cleaning up some algae yourself to cut down on the amount of food available to snails and decrease the amount of eggs that result.

Population Control

If you want to reduce the amount of eggs you have in your tank There are a variety of options you could take. First, you need to stop eggs from getting into your tank from the beginning. Remove any ornaments or plants for 14 days prior to including them in your tank.

It is also possible to dip live plants prior to adding them to the tank to eliminate eggs and clutches that could be hiding in the plant. Dips can be made up of hydrogen peroxide, bleach or salt. I would like to point out that even the most extreme dips aren’t 100% effective and snail eggs might be saved from attempted assassination.

Include predatory fish as described within the Tank Mates section. This method reduces the number of snail eggs and also provides food for your fish.

Maintain your aquarium clean to ensure that snails don’t get enough food to eat which reduces the amount of eggs that you’ll find. Make periodic water changes, eliminate dead leaves from your plants and clean and disinfect the surface of the aquarium to lessen the growth of algae, and keep the substrate spotless.

Reduce the amount of food that fish eat and provide only the amount of food your fish can consume within the 3 to 3 minute time. This will lead to less waste for your fish and less food that is settling on in the tanks bottom.

It is possible to physically remove eggs from the aquarium. Find the tiny eggs, then scrape them off before scooping them from the tank. It is also possible to remove the decoration or leaf that the eggs are tucked into and scrape the eggs away after you have removed them from the tank.

Be sure to look under the leaves of your plants as well as other areas of concealment where eggs may be hidden. If you are able to physically take snail eggs out of your tank, ensure to dispose of them properly and in a humane manner. The idea of freezing them may not be like a human gesture, but it’s one of the least violent methods of preventing eggs from being hatched.

Additionally, you could include one or two of the drugs for treating the fish you have for Ich Disease. The copper contained in this medicine includes copper that is toxic to snails as well as their eggs. This is likely to kill any eggs that are in the tank. Be aware that this procedure may be harmful to other species in your tank, too. Shrimps and other invertebrates may be killed too in addition to any snails you wish to have in your aquarium.

Remember that if you poison a lot of Aquarium Snails You will be required to conduct a massive cleaning in your tank, since a large number of snail eggs that have been killed is likely to release ammonia and nitrates, which can harm your fish.

Are Aquarium Snail Eggs on Glass Suitable for your Aquarium?

Eggs of freshwater snails are bound to be found in your tank, whether you’d like them or not. If you’re looking to purchase fish food or cleaners for your tank fish, you’ll have to be cognizant of the number of eggs you let develop to ensure that you don’t have an excessive snail population.

If you’re disgusted by the sight of snail eggs and would like them to be gone as soon as possible, you’ll need to be concerned about controlling the population. I’ve attempted to tackle the realities about Aquarium Snail Eggs in a manner that takes into account both sides of the coin.

Whatever your views on snail eggs, it is likely that you must be aware of how to handle these tiny eggs.

Do you believe Aquarium Snail Eggs are worth it or are they a danger? Write a comment about what you’ve learned about snail eggs. Which ones do you feel are the easiest to control or protect?


Dibyajyoti Bordoloi is the creator and author of, a third-generation experienced fish keeper and owner of a successful pet breeding farm. He is also a member of the Center for Wildlife Rehabilitation And Conservation (Assam), the Marine Aquarium Societies of North East India, and the Kaziranga Nature Conservancy of Assam.

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