How Do You Keep Dogs Out of Your Fish Tank or Ponds?

How do you keep dogs out of your fish tank? It’s like you’re caught in a conflict between your furry friend and your marine pet. That’s right you’ve bought an aquarium for your home, and although it was a great idea in the beginning due to the many benefits that can be found when you own an aquarium, you suddenly can’t keep your pet away from the fish tanks.

In the American Pet Products survey, There are 140 million freshwater fish kept as pets and more than 75 million dogs, which means the likelihood of one family opting to keep both animals is quite typical.

Fish can be wonderful additions to homes that already have a dog or puppy. They don’t require the same amount of attention and care as your pet. However, they could bring an exciting and vibrant splash to your house as well as a myriad of personalities.

How Do I Keep My Dog Out of the Pond?

How Do I Keep My Dog Out of The Pond?

Is It Safe to Keep Fish in a Pond While Dogs Are Around?

Fish kept in a pond instead of in a tank for fish is riskier than keeping them up in tanks.

But, it’s feasible to own a pet and a pond as it is taken the proper steps.

First, some dogs are prey-driven and love chasing cats or fishing in the lake. You’ll have to apply your common sense in this regard in determining if your dog would be attracted by a delicious fishy snack.

It is possible to put up fencing around the pond. It could be an invisible fence, small rocks, or mesh netting on the surface of the water.

Furthermore, be sure to keep a check on your dog when you first introduce your dog to the pond. You can take him off the pond if you notice that he’s showing unhealthy enthusiasm.

But can you keep dogs and fish together? What are the top considerations to remember?

Today we’re going to look at some techniques that will help you ensure that your dog is not in the fish tank or pond so that you can all be in peace and peace.

Use A Hidden Dog Fence

Are you in possession of an empty fish tank or Pond? Or, are you surrounded by a fence that your dog has been jumping over or digging through?

How do you keep dogs out of your fish tank? The main concern about keeping your dog from your fish tank is if he knocks the tank over. To prevent this, make sure you use a hidden dog fence you can rely on. Also, ensure that you set your fish tank on a level enough, level, and solid surface.

This prevents your pet from being able to climb up or, even better, jump over the top of the tank, and risk injury to himself and your fish.

If your puppy begins to get into a negative relationship with the fish tank, you might think about moving the tank to a location that is not in the view of your pet.

Typically, after your dog is properly introduced to the aquarium fish tank, they aren’t likely to pay much more interest to them.

In contrast to other tiny creatures, fish cannot be seen scurrying past your dog or getting exuberant, which is why dogs tend to keep their fish tanks to themselves.

How Does The Hidden Pet Fence Works?

Dog Fence Indoor Outdoor Ideas

The technology used in the underground pet fence is built directly into the smart receiver/collar and the transmitter is smart.

Fences are hidden in the back of the pond to preserve the beautiful appearance of your fish tank or pond. The settings of the fence can be adapted.

With our hands-on learning, most pets can remain in their wireless pet fence for just two or three days.

Naturally, we’re wondering what the consequences are for our pets, don’t we? No worry that your pet will not be hurt in any way. The electric pet fence is safe and reliable. It’s the ideal solution to protect your dog from your pond or fish tank without spending a fortune on fences made of wood or metal.

First Impressions are Important

Initial impressions of humans are vitally important, but did you realize that the first interactions between you and your dog as well as the new pet are equally crucial?

Leash your dog to introduce your pet to the fish tank. You can utilize the leash to manage their excitement. Having them walk on a leash during the initial introduction will give you more control over the event.

You’ll be able to prevent them from leaping up onto the tank to see inside. You will also be capable of stopping them from running over the tank, possibly damaging it by knocking it off its foundation.

Pay attention and observe the interactions between your pet and the aquarium fish. Are they showing normal signs of interest by wagging their tags or sniffing their nose, as well as an overall positive attitude?

If yes, this is the most ideal situation. Watch them to see if they continue with this mindset and if should they. Chances are they won’t be a nuisance to the tank with their fish, but instead, they may be enjoying watching the fish swim around.

If they’re making signs of aggression or chasing the fish, walking around the tank, and getting ready to jump on the tank or the tank, etc. then you might have a problem with your dog or your tank of fish. Avoid leaving your pet alone when they’re in this mode and employ the same methods you employed, in the beginning, to make sure they’re not allowed to be around tanks.


The position of your tank will turn out to be one of the biggest barriers between your tank and your pet. This is because dogs have powerful hind legs and can leap far distances or lift themselves to an impressive height when the tank is placed on a shelf or over them, they’re unable to get to it.

Make sure you have a solid base for your tank, and if needed you need additional strapping to secure it more. Not sure where to find the best advice on fish tanks, tips, and advice?

Your Dog and Fish Food

While ingestion of fish-based food isn’t likely to harm your dog or trigger severe reactions, the possibility exists. Keep the fish food in a place where your dog isn’t able to access or enter if they were to swallow the food. It can cause stomach upset.

It’s not an ideal thing to wander into after work or something you want your dog to traverse.

Keep Your Fish Tank or Pond Clean

A single of the biggest qualities that every breed has is its sense of scent. Dogs can detect smells from a variety of sources at a considerable distance and your aquarium isn’t any different.

The introduction of a tank for fish inside the home is the ideal opportunity for your dog should investigate the source of these scents being emitted.

While you might not be able to eliminate all scents that are of the aquarium from the dog’s nose, you can decrease their impact. Remember, your dog may smell scents that you’re not being able to detect with your nose.

At least once per week, you should clean the fish tank and get rid of the buildup of algae from the inside wall. Wipe down the casings that surround the tank and remove the lightning system as much as you can. Wash off decorations in the tank, such as the rocks and plants that you can provide to let your fish play with and play within.

Make sure you have a reliable filter for water in your aquarium to ensure that fresh water is always delivered to the tank. it will not only help stop the fishy marine smell but also enhance the overall health of marine life.

How Do You Keep Dogs Out of Your Fish Tank? (Summary)

It’s not necessary to decide between your pet and your fish tank. instead, you can use the tips above that we’ve talked about this morning to establish boundaries for your pet.

It will not only make life easier for owners, but it’s also more comfortable for your pet too. If your pet is always circling in the tank and causing fright for the fish, it could cause negative consequences if the fish becomes stressed and anxious, leading to health issues.

When your pet is continually dissuaded and disciplined in a manner that is respectful according to a trainer for dogs they could begin to feel anxious or left out due to your behavior change toward them.

Instead, make sure to introduce your dog to the aquarium and then use gentle pressure and the use of a strong tone to remind them that this space is not for them to use.


Dibyajyoti Bordoloi is the creator and author of, a third-generation experienced fish keeper and owner of a successful pet breeding farm. He is also a member of the Center for Wildlife Rehabilitation And Conservation (Assam), the Marine Aquarium Societies of North East India, and the Kaziranga Nature Conservancy of Assam.