Tailspot Blenny: Care | Lifespan | Tank Mates | Reef Safe | Cost | Diet

Tailspot blenny (ecsenius stigmatura) is a common occupant of several saltwater aquariums. They are prevalent throughout the Western Pacific oceans but have been integrated into saltwater tanks around the world. The male blenny is more vibrant in colour and has longer fins. Female blennies that are healthy tend to have bigger bellies.

The color of the fish can vary between gray and coppery-brown/orange with a blue-gray head. Tailspot blenny is among the tinier kinds in the world of blennies as well as an easy to care for fish. It’s laid-back and doesn’t need any modifications to the tank.

Scientific NameEcsenius stigmatura
Care LevelEasy
Feeding HabitsFreeze dried foods, Frozen foods, Algae strips, Algae flakes.
Reef SafeYes
Tank Size10 Gallons Minimum
Suitable tank matesFilefish, Clownfish, Dwarf Angelfish, Shrimps, Wrasse, Damsels
Recommended first fish?Yes
Jumper?Yes, they often jump out so cover your aquarium
Lifespan3-5 Years

How To Care For A Tailspot Blenny

If you’re bringing fresh fish to your aquarium it is important to understand how to best take care of it. No special attention is needed by Tailspot blenny, but it would benefit from an experienced and knowledgeable caretaker as well as affection and love.

In general, the tailspot blenny can live for 2-5 years in captivity. But, it is able to be longer if it is kept in appropriate conditions proper treatment. It is essential to offer a variety of nice areas to hide in times of fear.

It may take up to a week to help them build confidence before they are able to explore their new habitat. It’s not unusual to see them not visible for the first few days following the addition of them into your aquarium.

What Do Tailspot Blennies Eat?

Tailspot blenny is known for its consumption of an abundance of algae. Incorporating them into an aquarium which already has adequate algae build-up will keep them feel happy. Give to your Blenny plenty of fresh vegetables. This can include dried seaweed, algae flakes, and algae wafers made specially designed for marine fish.

If the conditions are right, filamentous algae can be created on rocks and then rotated. Switch to those rocks that are in your main aquarium to supply the blenny with a new supply of algae to feed on. For a way to anchor your algae to rocks or other objects Try using the help of a rubber band to hold the culture in the right place.

We employ Tetra Marine Flakes because they are an excellent base diet for your blenny. We also feed them additional foods as well as plenty of live food and copepods.

Vitamin-rich brine shrimp and Mysis shrimp are available as an option for a treat. But, they shouldn’t be used as the primary food item and tailspot blennies must be fed a vegetable-heavy diet. Omega One freeze-dried brine shrimp is a great product and we have been using it for years.

Your blenny should get fed 2-3 small meals daily according to the number of algae is present in your tank. If your blenny is not getting enough food then he or she could start to nip and pick at SPS corals and LPS corals, as well as mantles of clams.

What’s The Natural Habitat For A Tailspot Blenny?

As with many other reef fish commonly available in the aquarium hobby Like many of the other fish that are commonly found in aquariums, the Tailspot blenny comes from both in the Indian as well as the Pacific Oceans. It is commonly found in reef regions that border countries such as Indonesia as well as the Philippines in coral reefs, in which it is able to quickly disappear into corals or between rocks to protect itself and come out to catch small pieces of food that flounder through the water.

Tailspot blenny can be reef compatible and works well with other fish that are not aggressive. It is a tailspot blenny that can be described as bottom-dwelling fish. It is not recommended to place them in a group with the other bottom-dwellers as well as single blennies except if you are planning to keep the blennies in a male-female couple. While not aggressive, they could be territorial with other blennies similar to them or with other species that have a similar appearance.

What is the most effective tank configuration in order to get the best tailspot blenny?

If you plan to house multiple blennies ensure that you do this in an enormous tank (50plus gallons) to maximize your chances of success. Make sure you monitor your blennies for any signs of stress. It is also recommended to not place your blenny with bigger or larger fish that are more aggressive. This is due to the fact that the blenny is easily scared and could cease eating if the fish is afraid.

The aquarium will need to be between 15 and 20 gallons. Of course, the larger the better, especially when your blenny is going to have tankmates. The tank must be equipped with a tight-fitting lid since the species can leap out of their tanks. The temperature in the tank should be between 73-81 degrees Fahrenheit. The tank we’ve listed below is one of our favorite. It’s a 15 Gallon aquarium with filters and a light that is built-in, making it ideal for small saltwater fish such as Tailspot Blennies.

Make sure to cover the bottom of the tank with a sand substrate. Additionally, there should be an assortment of live rock for hiding, grazing, and resting. Tailspot blennies reside in tiny crevices within the natural world Don’t be afraid to make tight-fitting areas with live rock. live rock.

While the tailspot blenny does not require specific light conditions, or water filtering systems it is a fan of tranquil water. We suggest using a low-flow filtration system as these don’t disrupt the water excessively.

The fitting of the lid on the aquarium is a good idea and these fish are skilled jumpers. They have even been seen jumping directly out of their tanks and land on the floor. Many fishkeepers have discovered their gorgeous blenny lying in a heap on the floor. Most saltwater aquariums lack lids. It is recommended during the first week to cover the aquarium with a sheet made of transparent acrylic on the top of the aquarium until the fish is comfortable with the surroundings.


Ecsenius stigmatura is a herbivore who enjoys searching in the aquarium for food. They can assist in the elimination of an algae problem. It’s exactly the job they were born with. If there are no algae in your tank, then you’ll have to feed your fish with algae-based flakes as well as disks.

This is a massive fish that has a huge metabolism and is best feeding small portions of food every day. If you observe that your Tailspot blenny nipping in coral polyps, chances are high that it’s hungry…and likely being under-fed. It’s an alarming sign to boost the feeding.


One interesting thing about Tailspot Blenny is that they prefers to spend the majority of its time in the lower part of the tank, perched on the floor of the substrate and in corals or live rock, swimming between crevices.

If your tank has green hair algae, you should see them grazing and transforming the problem algae into a surge in blenny energy. With plenty of hair algae to consume, you’ll see them in the open as well as grazing in the algae-covered substrate.

Beware of hungry blenny could begin in the process of nip on fleshy coral polyps. Because they’re small species, even a polyp-nipper likely won’t cause any harm If the corals are established in the aquarium (and not frogs with a new appearance).

It is known as the Tailspot Blenny is hardy and can last for many years provided it is taken care of. The new owners need to be aware because this species is known to behave when first introduced to tanks.

Sometimes, they behave like they are dead when they are threatened Don’t be worried and do not be hasty when you are fishing. If your fish that is otherwise healthy seems dead in the morning you should check back in a couple of hours to ensure.

Can You Breed Tailspot Blenny?

This Tailspot Blenny has been successfully bred in captivity. In the event of this happening the male leads the female to an isolated cave of his choice. Female Tailspot Blenny deposit their demersal eggs on the ceiling and walls of the cave. The male enters the cave to rapidly fertilize the eggs after she has finished her tasks.

Over the course that lasts 4 or 5 days, the female may lay several batches of eggs, each of which must be fertilized by the male. In the meantime, the male will protect the eggs. The eggs hatch in 24-72 hours and once they hatch the task of keeping them alive could be an issue.

In this stage, it’s ideal to transfer eggs to an additional breeding tank. This is set up for rearing, and you set the right parameters for water. After the full absorption of these yolk sacs, the tiny fish require a continuous intake of food, such as rotifers for them to grow and maintain their health.

Tailspot Blennies can be, however, extremely difficult to breed, and few of them are produced in captivity.

Tailspot blenny for sale

Are you trying to locate a Tailspot blenny for sale? You would be happy to know that it won’t be a hassle. It’s a very popular and widely accessible saltwater fish species that cost approximately $25 on the internet and in local fish shops. It is also good to know that the fish can handle the handling and shipping fairly easily.

Should I Buy a Tailspot Blenny or Not

Their tiny size makes the Tailspot blenny ideal for every other aquarium, except the tiny pico aquariums.

If you’re having trouble with algae This vibrant and charming fish could assist you in removing the algae and adding an extra dimension to your aquarium. It could also be a fantastic aquarium addition even when you don’t have an algae issue as long as you are able to make it eat veggie-based meals.

If you’re prepared that you meet the nutritional requirements of this species and if you’re willing to tackle the issue of algae or not, there’s a likely chance that you’ll have the success you desire with this species of fish.

Conclusion: Tailspot Blenny Care Guide

The tailspot blenny has its name because of the dark spot at the base of its tail. It has a yellow and black band that runs beneath each eye, helping them to blend with their surroundings.

We love the personality that emanates from these fish after they have found their home. They are soon a joy to observe and whirl around the tank, having fun. They are never away from their home and return when they see their first sign that they are in danger.

We’d love to you know via the comments below if own one of these gorgeous saltwater fish, or if you’re contemplating purchasing one.


Dibyajyoti Bordoloi is the creator and author of FishCampRehab.com, a third-generation experienced fish keeper and owner of a successful pet breeding farm. He is also a member of the Center for Wildlife Rehabilitation And Conservation (Assam), the Marine Aquarium Societies of North East India, and the Kaziranga Nature Conservancy of Assam.

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