Tuna Fish in Marathi | Name, Information & Species Profile

Is Tuna a Fish or a Mammal?

Tunas are saltwater fish that belongs to the tribe Thunnini and is which are a subgrouping of the Scombridae (mackerel) group. The species of Thunnus belonging to the genus Thunnus tend to be very large in size and possess a large commercial value when compared to others. Tuna fish in Marathi is popularly known as “Kupa”.

Tunas can be similar to those of the mackerel group and that’s why both mackerels and tunas are part of the family Scombridae and the order Perciformes.

There are seven species of tuna belonging to the Genus Thunnus. The seven species of tunas can be known as genuine tunas. The seven tuna species include bluefin tuna, yellowfin tuna Southern bluefin tuna, blackfin tuna bigeye tuna, and longtail tuna, as well as albacore tuna.

English NameTuna fish
Common NameTunas, tunas, or tunas
Scientific NameThunnini
Marathi NameKupa Masa (kupaa maasaa)
Overview: Tuna Fish in Marathi

Tuna Fish in Marathi

Tuna fish in Marathi is called Kupa (Kupaa). The term Kupa in Marathi is applied to all species of tunas comprising yellowfin tuna and bluefin tuna.

Tuna fish is extremely loved by the Marathi people. In the fish market of Mumbai and Pune, it is also possible to make use of the English term tuna fish to purchase or sell. However, local fishermen and those from rural areas of Maharastra call it Kupa masa to represent tuna fish.

Tuna Fish Price (Pune & Mumbai)

Since tuna fish isn’t readily accessible in the Indian oceans and is generally imported from different countries. Because of the higher demand and limited supply of tuna fish, they have an essentially higher value than similar kinds of fish.

In Mumbai In Mumbai, you can count on prices of Rs. 500-1000, which is the price of tuna fish. 500-1000 rupees. 500-1000, which can vary in accordance with supply and demand. Also, it varies from the season. As there are more fish exported prices will be lower and vice versa.

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Nutritional Values of Tuna Fish

Tuna fish is of nutritious value since it has a variety of required as well as highly recommended vitamins such as fatty acids, vitamins, proteins, minerals, and more.

Tuna is not just delicious, but it is also rich in organic compounds, such as riboflavin and niacin which are vital nutrients for our bodies.

Based on the USDA National Nutrient Database, 100 grams of tuna that is healthy fish contains the following nutritional values, which are listed below:

  • The weight of water is 59.09 grams
  • Energy/Calorie: 770 kJ
  • Protein: 29.92 grams
  • Lipid (fat): 6.27 grams
  • Iron: 1.32 mg
  • Magnesium: 64 mg
  • Phosphorus: 326 mg
  • Potassium: 323 mg
  • Sodium: 50 mg
  • Zinc: 0.77 mg

Is tuna Good for You?

Tuna is a type that is a saltwater fish that ranges in habitats that extend all the way from the Atlantic Ocean way to Indonesia. The most popular species of tuna that are found in the United States are Skipjack, sometimes referred to as “light tuna”, and Albacore which is also known in the context of “white tuna”. Albacore is the sole type of tuna that can legally offer under the brand name “white meat tuna.”

Tuna fish is among the most well-known types of seafood found all over the world. Along with its plentiful supply and delicious taste, tuna is extremely nutritious.

Tuna Fish in Marathi Information India Images Price Size

Health Benefits of Tuna Fish

Tuna is a great food source for Vitamin B12 the vital vitamin that is required to create DNA. Vitamin B12 is also a great aid to make fresh red blood cells as well as stop the development of anemia.

Tuna is a great source of protein and has many health advantages. include:

1. Improve Vision Health

Tuna fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, as well as vital minerals that reduce the possibility of developing eye diseases such as vision loss, muscle degeneration, and other eye-related issues.

Vision loss or color blindness is also caused by diabetes-related complications in diabetics which are also known as diabetic retinopathy. With regular consumption of tuna, the likelihood of suffering from these complications is extremely low.

2. Improve Heart Health

One of the main benefits of eating Kupa (tuna fish in Marathi) will be the improvement of the health of your heart health. It aids to lower blood pressure as well as the risk of developing coronary diseases because tunas contain high levels of omega-3 fats. Omega-3 fatty acids lower omega-6 fatty acids as well as bad cholesterol in the bloodstream.

In the study that was published in the journal of the American Medical Association, women who consume more tunas, as well as other fish are less at risk of the chance of suffering from coronary heart disease because of the high-quality omega-3 fats.

3. Help in Growth and Development

Tunas have a higher quantity of protein which is often referred to as the main building block of the human body. One portion of 100 grams of tuna fish will satisfy 60%-70 percent of the protein needs. Proteins help our body to develop properly and speed up recovery from internal and external injuries or illnesses and also boost metabolism.

4. Support Weight Loss

Tuna fish is also a great source of weight loss because it’s low in carbohydrates and fats but is loaded with more healthy proteins. Protein helps build muscles and also helps eliminate fats and other undesirable substances from the body.

In addition, Omega-3-fatty acids can increase the leptin hormone that regulates the consumption of food by reducing the tendency to overeat and ensuring that the body gets the nutrients it needs which are essential for proper growth.

5. Provide Relief for Kidney Diseases

Tuna fish is balanced in its amount of potassium and sodium. That means that it has a greater potassium level and less sodium. The two minerals together manage the balance of fluids in the body, allowing kidneys to perform their job efficiently.

6. Reduced Risk of Cancer

The omega-3 fatty acids found in tuna are believed to reduce the growth of cancerous cells as well as reduce inflammation within the body. This is crucial because many types of cancer are linked to chronic inflammation.

7. Nutrition

Tuna is among the most nutritious source of vitamin D. It is only 3 ounces of canned tuna can provide up to 50% of the recommended daily dose. Vitamin D is vital for bone health, as well as strengthening the immune system to fight off disease and ensure maximum growth for children.

Tuna is also an excellent source of many other minerals and vitamins:

  • Iron
  • Vitamin B6
  • Potassium
  • Selenium
  • Iodine

Nutrients per Serving

A 4-ounce portion of white tuna contains:

  • Calories: 145
  • Protein: 26.77 grams
  • The Fat: 3.37 grams
  • Carbohydrates are 0.25 grams
  • Fiber is 0.25 grams
  • Sugar 1 gram


How Big is the Average Tuna?

Adults measure approximately 1.5 meters (4 eleven inches) (4 feet) long and weigh approximately 60kg (130 pounds). The maximum length and weight of Pacific bluefin tuna are 3 meters (9.8 feet) in length, and about 450 kg (990 pounds).

What is the Biggest Tuna Fish Ever Caught?

The world record for the most massive bluefin tuna caught was set in 1979 in Nova Scotia, Canada. It weighed 1 496 lbs, as per the International Game Fish Association.

Are Tuna Big or Small?

While some tunas are massive some, such as the blackfin tuna are smaller. Actually, these small tunas only grow to 3 feet in length and weigh 45 pounds.

Do Sharks Eat Tuna?

Big Bony Fish Big sharks such as makos (one of the fish that you can fish offshore using Home Run Charters!) and tiger sharks eat big fish like mackerel, salmon, sturgeon, and tuna.

What Eats a Tuna Fish?

Bluefin tuna are top predators. Youngsters eat squid, fish, and crustaceans. adults eat mostly baitfish, such as bluefish, herring, and mackerel. Sharks and marine mammals (including killer whales as well as pilot whales) and large fish consume bluefin tuna. Seabirds and bluefish also feast on young bluefin tuna.

How Fast Can a Tuna Swim?

Their unique form, the shape of the body, and fins and scales permit certain varieties of fish to swim at speeds of 43 miles an hour. Tuna can cover incredible distances as they move.

Can Tuna Bite You?

From the head down bluefin tuna is nothing but muscle. If a bluefin stretches its muscle on an angler of size half it’s own and the result is painful. Captain Joe Shute (captjoes.com) knows everything about pain Bluefins are his target. He hunts them from Cape Lookout, North Carolina with the 22-foot Parker.

Do Tuna Have Teeth?

Tuna do have teeth. With teeth speed, speed, and the constant need to eat, Atlantic bluefin tuna are always looking for food. One of the reasons their hunger is so intense is the unique circulatory system they have. Tuna unlike other fish is warm-blooded.

Does a Tuna Sleep?

A variety of pelagic species of fish like bluefish, Atlantic mackerel, tuna bonito, and sharks, swim indefinitely and show no behavior or other signs of sleeping.

Final Thought

The tuna fish in Marathi is called the Kupa.

Tuna is among the delicious food items that are loved all around the world. It’s rich in nutrients such as omega-3 acids B12 vitamins, sodium zinc, potassium, and many others that are essential for humans to function.

There are numerous benefits from eating tuna frequently i.e. improvements in heart function and improvements in vision health and metabolic process improves. Additionally, it aids in weight loss and boosts the power of memory that the brain has.


Dibyajyoti Bordoloi is the creator and author of FishCampRehab.com, a third-generation experienced fish keeper and owner of a successful pet breeding farm. He is also a member of the Center for Wildlife Rehabilitation And Conservation (Assam), the Marine Aquarium Societies of North East India, and the Kaziranga Nature Conservancy of Assam.