Why Do Dogs Roll In The Grass?

Why do dogs roll in the grass? There are many different reasons dogs roll in the grass. However, the majority are based on scent. Dogs possess a keen sense of smell and utilize this sense to interact with other animals. They make use of scent to locate trails of prey or communicate with other dogs.

Dogs do lots of different cute things. They also do lots of disgusting things. Rolling in the grass can be both or neither depending on the circumstances.

If your dog is rolling on the grass, it could be about picking up a smell, covering up the smell, or even leaving their scent behind.

Is it Normal for Dogs to Roll in Grass?

It is normal for dogs to lie on grass? However, normal for a dog isn’t always translated into acceptance within the human community. It all depends on the context and the timing of the dog’s behavior to decide if you want to ignore, encourage, or redirect the behavior.

Why Do Dogs Roll in the Grass?

Why Do Dogs Roll in the Grass
Why Do Dogs Roll in the Grass?

What does it mean when a dog rolls in the grass? It might not sound logical to us, but there are a variety of reasons dogs roll in the grass. Sometimes, you can pinpoint the reason your pet will be rolling on the ground in cluing to their motivations.

Dogs are awe-inspiring the chance to run and play outside, however, what makes so many prefer to lie on the grass? Certain dogs lie down and bask in the sun’s rays, while others flounder around like a fish in the water. Dogs are much more likely to jump on the grass if they’re stinky.

If your dog is returning after a walk, daycare, or yard that is covered with vegetation and stinking to high-heaven take a look at these theories on the reason dogs roll in the grass.

1. Masking Their Scent

The hunter-dog breed evolved and rolling in the grass might be one remnant of this behavior. Dogs can be seen rolling in the grass to cover up their scent by absorbing whatever it is they’re rolling in.

It could be rolling about in the dirt and grass, or it could mean that an animal has recently urinated or defecated in that area in which your pet is trying to detect the scent.

This type of behavior might have assisted predators like wolves, as it allowed them to move nearer to prey without being noticed by their prey’s keen scent smell.

2. Covering Up a Scent

In the same way, a dog could attempt to cover up its scent by absorbing the odor of grass. As an example, many dogs roll in the grass after bathing trying to get rid of their fresh, freshly shampooed scent. (Just because we enjoy the smell of soap does not necessarily mean that our dogs also do.)

3. Marking Their Territory

Dogs could also be trying to rub their scent off onto an area, marking it as theirs. Dogs communicate via scent. A large number of breeds of dogs (especially males) leave tiny urine markings as they go out for walks, to inform other animals that they are there. Another method to leave the scent is by rolling on the grass. When one dog leaves a trace while rolling, another can catch the scent or include their scent in the mix.

4. Scratching an Itch

Dogs can’t reach every inch of their bodies to scratch and, therefore, it is necessary to roll on their back to alleviate the itch. If it’s a single itch it’s fine but if it’s persistent or your dog isn’t stopping scratching and rolling, it may be an indication of a skin issue.

Similar to dogs that rub their ears against the ground could suffer from an infection in their ears. If you’re worried that your dog could be suffering from an infection of the skin or else that can cause itchy skin and ears, contact your veterinarian to schedule an appointment immediately.

5. Because It Feels Good

Dogs may play in the grass simply because they’re happy and having fun, and it feels good. It’s not a problem, as they do not have any particular motivation and are simply being dogs. It’s similar to relaxing in an oversized massage chair for a few minutes. It’s a great way to relax when the chance is presented then why not?

6. Obsession

Your dog might be obsessed with rolling on the grass. Some dogs have an obsession or compulsion for rolling. Try redirecting this behavior through treats and training.

Why do dogs rub themselves in the grass?

How to Prevent Dogs From Rolling in Grass

Most of the time, rolling in the grass is safe behavior.

If your pet has been rolling around in the grass as they are content, there is no reason to interrupt the behavior. We offer to chew toys so that our dogs can demonstrate the need to gnaw, and that’s the same. Dogs need to display their normal behaviors provided it’s not creating harm.

But if you’re keen on it — for example or if your dog inclines to eat smelly grass and bring that aroma to your home – you do have alternatives.

If your pet has been rolling on grass make sure you ensure that they are on flea and tick prevention. Also, consider whether the grass was cleaned with herbicides or pesticides since they could be harmful to your dog.

However, If your dog is seeking dead animals and poop to be deposited, the behavior should be stopped since it’s not sanitary.

The most efficient and humane method of stopping the behavior that you do not want to be a part of is redirecting the dog to do something different. By using Positive Reinforcement Training (PRT) you can reward your dog for a behavior you want to see them perform by offering them a treat as well as praise.

If your dog begins rolling or signals you that they’re ready to begin, redirect their attention to something else.

Make Sure It’s Not Allergies

If your dog is known to roll on grass it could indicate chronic itchiness from allergies, an infection of the skin, fleas, or anything else.

There’s a good chance that your dog has been rolling on the lawn or grass for a chance to scratch the allergy itch that is caused by their food or their environment. If that’s the case you’ll need to do something to treat the allergy and ease the skin irritation, which in the process will help with the rolling.

To determine whether you’re experiencing it, search for other symptoms of allergies like redness or irritation on the skin or face, swelling of the face, hives, sneezing, or irritated and itchy ears.

It’s likely the fact that they’re rubbing against other surfaces that are scratchy like carpets or furniture. If this is the case, schedule appointments with the veterinarian so you can get the right treatment. Your vet can assess your dog and ensure that any issues are addressed so that your dog can return to rolling through the grass with pure joy.

Do Some Basic Training

The positive reinforcement method can be a huge help in helping your dog to kick the habit of rolling their grass.

If your dog begins in a roll redirect the attention of your pet and their behavior and provide them with rewards at the moment they stop. This could be a treat as well as praise. This will be more beneficial in the long run rather than telling them that they should cut it out as it allows them to understand the behavior you expect of them.

If you’re having trouble training your dog to stop rolling in the grass by yourself consult a certified trainer to figure out the most effective next steps.

Rolling in the grass is an everyday behavior for dogs. As long as they’re not absorbing unsavory scents the process of rolling to relieve skin irritation isn’t necessarily dangerous.

It’s quite enjoyable even for your canine companion, and something can help them connect with their ancestral spirit.

If your dog appears to be obsessed with rolling on the grass and you’re trying to nip the behavior in the bud Do the work either on your own as well as with an instructor. You can employ positive reinforcement to redirect their focus. As time passes, they will become accustomed to enjoying the grass and all its scents, and not need to cover themselves with the grass.

Final Thoughts

The idea of rolling in grass depends on the dogs. Although all canines are ancestrally hardwired to roll in stinky objects to hide their scent, however, there are different reasons your dog could enjoy a romp in the grass. It’s usually an enjoyable behavior. Be sure to ensure that you don’t have dormant or obsessive behavior or an allergy problem that requires care.


Dibyajyoti Bordoloi is the creator and author of FishCampRehab.com, a third-generation experienced fish keeper and owner of a successful pet breeding farm. He is also a member of the Center for Wildlife Rehabilitation And Conservation (Assam), the Marine Aquarium Societies of North East India, and the Kaziranga Nature Conservancy of Assam.

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