Crowntail Betta Fish Facts: Care, Origins, Lifespan and More

Everything You’ve Wanted to Know About Crowntail Betta Fish

The Crowntail Betta Fish has a striking and elaborate tail which differentiates it from other Betta species. The ancestors of Crowntail Betta fish are better known to be indigenous to Thailand (formally Siam) and other areas of South-East Asia (e.g. Vietnam, Indonesia, and Malaysia).

Crown Tail possesses a teardrop shape to its tail whilst the Twin Tail is split, nearly providing the suggestion of having a pair of tails.

They are popular for their colorful and beautiful, ray-finned caudal and also their aggressive behavioral nature; this will make keeping Crowntail Betta always a beginner challenge.

What Is The Most Beautiful Betta Fish?

Betta Fish Mating: Pregnant Betta Fish Distilled Water for Betta Fish

Crowntail Betta fish is amongst the most well-liked and tiny freshwater species in the US. The main reason for its popularity in the US is its stunning caudal fins!

As the most well-liked and beautiful Betta, a Crowntail fish is informally referred to as a Betta or the Siamese fighting fish.

Keep reading to learn and understand their care requirements, behavior, conditions, dietary needs, and ideal tank mates.

Take a quick glance at the summary table given below for a brief overview of the Crowntail Bettas.

Category Rating
Care Level:Moderate to High
Temperament:Very Aggressive
Color Form:Multiple; typically blue and red Betta Fish
Lifespan: Life of a Betta Fish2-3 Years
Diet:Carnivorous (High protein)
Minimum Tank Size:5 Gallons
Tank Set-Up:Freshwater: Floating Water Plants

Overview of Crowntail Betta

King Crowntail Betta Fish

The Crowntail Betta or betta fish is a little freshwater fighting fish that has its origins back in South Asia.

In the year 1997, the Crowntail was first bred by an Indonesian breeder Mr. Achmad Yusuf. Then he named the Betta fish ‘Cupang Serit’ at an International Betta Congress.

They are very popular for their aggressive nature and the stunning fin characteristics; especially the large caudal fin they possess.

A Crowntail male Betta fish may become the center of attraction of any little home aquarium with its distinct red and blue caudal fin and huge fin extensions.

This tiny beautiful fish is suitable for any new fish keepers; however, my recommendation is if you are looking to place tank mates that you’ve at least two years of experience.

The beta fish’s origins are from the shallow rice paddies of South-East Asia and other parts of Thailand and (Vietnam, Indonesia, and Malaysia), where its name was coined from its caudal fins and visibly spiky tail.

Their distinguishing caudal fin was bred for the first time by Mr. Achmad Yusuf, an Indonesian Betta breeder, in the year 1997. Crowntail Betta’s native wild ancestors had very less vibrant fin colors and smaller fin characteristics.

Crowntail Betta Size

You can expect that your Crown Betta fish will grow to a maximum of 3” and more realistically 2.5” in length.

How Long Do Crowntail Betta Fish Live?

Betta Life Challenge: Betta fish are well-known to recognize their human companions. They can follow your finger around the fish tank. They can even be well-trained to perform various tricks!

With a lifespan of 2 to 3 years, the Crowntail Betta has the usual lifespan for a little tropical freshwater fish. In rare cases, the Betta life expectancy may reach up to 8 – 9 years age when kept in captivity.

Crowntail Betta Price

In terms of cost, you can expect to pay between $5 to $30 for your Crowntail. The price depends upon its size, color, sex, dealer reputation, and vibrancy.

Crowntail Betta’s Appearance

White Crowntail Betta Fish Appearance Care Size Tank Mates Lifespan Compatibility

Crowntail Betta, though only 20 years of age as a small species, gained its popular name because of its vibrant tail fin. Its tail fin has huge extensions and might usually be 8 inches in diameter; which means 3x the size of its body!

What additionally spectacular is the considerably reduced webbing between Crowntail’s rays on its caudal fin; providing a crown-like look. The spiky separate tips on the fins of Crowntail give them a crown-like stunning appearance.

When absolutely matured, you may expect it to grow up to 2.5 inches, although some may grow to become 3 inches in size. Whilst they are available in a mirage of vibrant colors; the top outstanding colors have become dark shades of reds and blues.

The Crowntail Betta fish is simply one amongst several Bettas that are bred to have a huge variety of caudal fins.

Here is a list of the common Betta fish available in pet stores. Most of the breeds are named by the fish’s tail shape:

1) Crowntail – The royal look of the Crowntail Betta fish is provided by their spiky fins and tail. Their tail features a teardrop shape with webbing between the rays that’s clear to this type of breed.

2) Delta/Super Delta – The delta and super delta Betta fish own tails with very straight caudal edges—only theirs do not reach 180 degrees like the Halfmoon Betta fish.

3) Doubletail – As their name refers, double-tail bettas have 2 distinct tails, the shape of both tails like a Halfmoon. This sets them aside from the same-looking Bettas that have solely single and split tails.

4) Half Sun/Combtail – Generally bred by crossing a Crowntail with a Veiltail, the Half Sun (or Combtail Betta) boasts a very slightly less spiky tail as compared to the Crowntail Betta.

5) Halfmoon – One of the prettiest Betta breeds, the Halfmoon Betta fish features a 180-degree, fan-like tail that resembles a “D” shape when totally flared. This long-finned Betta additionally has uncommon coloring.

6) Plakat – They are the ancestors of all Betta fish, Plakat Betta owns comparatively shorter tails with spade or round shapes. These aggressive and strong Betta fish are less prone to sickness and injury.

7) Rosetail/Feathertail – It is a kind of Halfmoon Betta, the Rosetail ( also known as feathertail Betta) also has a fan-like tail, however, has excessive overlapping and branching in their fin rays which resemble the ruffled look of a rose.

8) Round Tail/Fan Tail – Typically mistaken for another betta, the round tail ( also known as Fan Tail Betta) features a single tail that s round and complete.

9) Veiltail – Again, it is one of the most renowned Betta fish breeds, Veiltail Bettas are popular for their spectacular and long fins and their bright colors. New hobby aquarists typically begin with Veiltails because of their easygoing behavior.

All of the above-mentioned Bettas have a cool and beautiful distinct appearance.

Typical Behavior

Best Crowntail Betta Male Fish Care Guide

To know and understand their behavior, you should first understand the history of their ancestors. Crowntail Bettas originally belonged to the Betta species, which is also termed as Siamese fighting fish.

They are called Siamese because they are a native of Siam (presently known as Thailand) and also known as fighting fish because the Crowntails used to fight!

Termed as a Plakat, the Wild Bettas are biting and tearing fish, that were bred for their fighting behavioral tendencies.

As a hobby, people of South-East Asia used to collect Siamese fish, from the rice paddies, and then arrange fish fights. This pastime is fostered aggressive behavioral nature with all types of Bettas; the Crowntail isn’t any exception.

The Crowntail Betta fish is actually an aggressive-natured species that frequently portray behavioral issues of aggression, territorial tendencies, and dominance.

They prefer to live alone and have a really massive territorial standing. Though aggressive, Bettas will have tank mates; read the awesome tank mates section for a lot of information and knowledge.

How do you take care of a Crowntail Betta fish?

Your Crowntail Betta caring begins with the habitat. You may select a special tank relying upon which breed you intend to use as tank mates for the Crowntail Betta.

As a minimum, if you are not thinking of placing tank mates, we would like to recommend you use a 10-gallon tank. Any tank which is smaller than a 10-gallon tank may result in your Crowntail damaging its fins and crashing frequently.

Female Crowntail Betta Black Fish Facts

If you are introducing a 10-gallon fish tank, then make ensure to alter the water at an interval of 2-3 days, however, do not destroy the useful bacteria by changing all the water in the fish tank quickly.

The natural atmosphere in South Asia is full of paddy rice fields, vegetation, and also slow-moving streams that naturally, filter the water.

When it involves water in their tank, you would like to add Indian almond leaves in the aquarium. This can release a lot of use of natural acids for your Betta fish.

The Crowntail Betta is a smart freshwater species; also, they’re notoriously very active jumpers.

In fact, they will leap out from the fish tank to their death. Because of their jumping nature, there is a requirement to keep a well-fitted lid on your fish tank.

Lastly, the Crowntails, and Bettas in the usual sense, are labyrinth breathers. It means they are able to breathe oxygen from both the water and the air.

This means you do not have to use any aeration systems in your fish tank. This can also protect your Bettas lovely caudal fins from turning into damage in the strong tank currents.

Habitat and Tank Requirements:

Tank Conditions

Your aquarium’s specific conditions for your Crowntail Betta play a very important role as it belongs to freshwater species. You must control three variable things inside your fish tank.

You’ll require staying within a pH level ranging from 6.4 to 7.0, with the water hardness of 2 – 5 carbonate hardness (dKh) and the temperature of water ranging from 76°F – 80°F.

With Crowntails you may require to keep a close observation of the tank’s water temperature. It’s very essential because it can make sure the Crowntail’s metabolism is perfect. Sudden movements or changes outside of +- 2°F of the recommended range may result in harm.

Tank-Tip: The light level conditions of the fish tank must be dim.

Using floating plants in your aquarium is always a very good addition; this can support your Crowntail to make a more natural habitat with the bubble nests.

As for substrate, a bare-bottom, fine sand, or gravel are always great for Bettas. As Bettas are able to replicate their traditional habitat, they are best suited to sand.

Compatibility and Tank Mates

The Crowntails are aggressive toward other species. Frankly, it is not to be mentioned as a friendly community fish!

The first rule is, the fish tank should not be overcrowded.

Bettas have their personal area and they always like to be territorial. As a rule, never introduce over a single Crowntail Betta male fish in an aquarium with another betta. The adult Crowntails can fight against each other until one dies.

They usually love to live alone; but, if you are planning to introduce tank mates, populate your fish tank and diversify, then you have some options.

Top-tip: Crowntail Bettas can fight with any other fish that shows its own behavior; aggression, territorial, dominance, and also larger in size.

If you emphasize compatibility then look towards fish breeds that love to swim in the fish tank’s different stratus. As Crowntails dwell in the upper and middle stratus of your fish tank, we are solely looking for bottom-dwellers that are calm and peaceful:

  • A good option is Neon-tetras
  • Guppies – they are really very fast and can get out of the Betta’s direction
  • Shrimp (e.g. Red Cherry or Ghost)
  • Frogs (e.g. The African Dwarf Frogs)

If you are placing a Betta fish in an existing aquarium, do not introduce them into the fish tank directly.

Use a plastic cup or Betta cup, or, float on top of the aquarium for half an hour time with the Betta inside.

Observe how it behaves around the other fish in the aquarium. If your Crowntail Betta fish becomes overly aggressive (e.g. gills puffing) then it is not to be in your tank.

Once it is placed in the tank, you should ensure that the Betta isn’t overly aggressive to the other fish.

Diet and Feeding Requirements

The level of care and feeding needs for your Crowntail Betta may range somewhere from moderate to high. These fish are Carnivorous fish that requires a high-protein diet to survive.

As the fish have tiny stomachs you’ll need to serve them feed frequently in small portions. Three times per day is ideal but at a minimum of two times. Try to avoid large feeding sessions to feed the Bettas.

Generally, you’ll need to aim to give a maximum of 2 minutes’ worth of fish food to your Betta in each feeding session regularly.

So, you are overfeeding them; if it takes your Crowntail Betta more than 2 minutes of time to devour. Remove that food that your Betta has not finished within a 2-minute period of time.

A normal sign of overfeeding is that your Crowntail Betta will be constipated which will show a couple of symptoms;

1. Their eyes popping out of their head

2. Body of Crowntails looks swollen

Overfeeding may lead to a wrong nitrogen cycle and can make your Crowntail Betta fish constipated and ultimately sick, which is a big killer for the Bettas.

For all tropical fish, there should be variety in food which is always a decent factor.

Feeding them flakes, pellets, frozen foods, and live foods, are all smart options… providing they’re fed moderately. Bettas are a fussy eaters, therefore we’ve compiled their favorite meals, nutritious foods, and snacks for them;

Frozen Foods (Best for treats and snacks and not usual meals)

  • Black Worms
  • Brine Shrimp
  • Blood Worms
  • Black Mosquito Larvae

Live Foods

  • White Worms
  • Insect Larvae
  • Wingless Fruit Flies
  • Mosquito Larva


  • Betta pellets (2 to 3 pellets every feeding session)

In the wild environment, Crowntail Bettas are terribly hardy and can eat most food sources in their environment; as there are a few selections of food. Their usual diet in the wild consists of larvae, insects worms, and mosquitos.

Final note:

For optimum growth and vibrant colors of your Bettas, you may need to push a varied diet, full of high protein, and never prohibit fatty amino acids.

Crowntail Betta Breeding

Female Crowntail Betta Fish

As mentioned in the tank conditions section above, wherever you’ve got a Crowntail Betta you are probably to look at a bubble nest (i.e. clusters of bubbles) floating on top of the fish tank.

It shows a positive sign for two different reasons;

1. It indicates that your fish is healthy and strong enough.

2. It also can indicate that your Betta is currently getting ready for breeding

Their breeding method is exclusive.

Your male Crowntail Betta fish can build a bubble nest near the floating plants, in which the Crowntail Betta female can lay eggs and the male Betta fertilize later.

You may need a pair of breeding Crowntail Bettas. Generally, 14 months of age. If the Betta fish is smaller than 2” in length, then it’s not sexually matured yet.

The breeding of Crowntail Bettas is truly possible; but, their aggressive nature in confined aquariums will make the breeding method tougher. Again the breeding process is also expensive and very time-consuming!

It can be expected to outlay over $2,000 for only a single spawn of Crowntail Betta fish and it’ll be vastly time-consuming…


The Crowntail Betta fish is susceptible to a few diseases which are very common to a large number of freshwater fish species. Most of those health issues arise from a poor feeding system and unsanitary or incorrect water conditions.


The disease Ich is known by its usual name of White Spot Disease. The Ichthyophthirius multifiliis parasite causes Ich, which is a protozoan creature that’s generally present in most freshwater aquariums, causing no issues to your fish until the poor water conditions or fish are weakened by sickness.

Ich is initially detected as a rash of small white spots across the body of the fish’s gills and fins. The affected fish usually clamp their fins, rub or flick against objects inside the fish tank, and can droop listlessly at the surface of the aquarium water.

Ich may be treated very easily with an over-the-counter treatment which you just add to the fish tank water. Simultaneously, increase the temperature up to 82o Fahrenheit for 4 days in order to disrupt the parasite’s lifecycle.

This double-pronged attack can kill the Ich parasite inside the aquarium and also on the fish.


The problem of constipation is generally caused by excessive feeding or by feeding the Betta fish an improper diet.

Your Crowntail Betta Fish might seem lethargic and swollen and they won’t want to eat any food.

In general, fasting your fish for at least 48 hours permits the digestive system of the fish to process properly any food that is consumed by it. You can also provide a little portion of live food, which often helps to get things moving.


The Crowntail Bettas are the one which is the most popular fish variants amongst the Betta splendens. These fish are very simple to breed in captivity. That’s why you will notice these Betta fish are available in most of the good fish stores.

Red Crowntail Betta Fish

If you are in search of a very uncommon coloration in a specimen with an aim to breed from your Crowntail fish, you will realize one thing very specific at one of the numerous online websites of the dealers.

Instead, you may take a glance at the popular auction site,, in which an uncommon golden Betta fish sold for a price record of $1,500 a few years ago.

But, the normal cost of a standard blue or red Crowntail Betta fish is typically around $5 – $30. It depends on its vibrancy of color, sex, size, and where you purchase your Betta fish.

Always keep in mind that, though buying fish online has many advantages, shipping costs will have to be paid by you, and also you can’t see and touch your fish before it arrives “in person”.

Should You Get a Crowntail Betta Fish? (Summary)

Crowntail Betta fish has become one of the most well-liked fishes in the U.S. Be a part of the rest of the world and establish a little planted fish tank for a Betta!

This is fun to keep them in your small house aquarium and they will help improve your mental health and anxiety.

Your Crowntails must grow up to a maximum of 3” and live for around 2 to 3 years. Without any doubt, the beautiful caudal fins of Crown Tail Betta are going to keep you amused as this active little freshwater tropical fish moves around your fish tank.

Whist the Crowntail is well-known for its behavioral issues of aggression and dominance, they can live together with tank mates who are very peaceful bottom-dwellers.

A King Crowntail Betta Fish is available in 25 various colors with the most prominent being blue Crowntail Betta and Red Crowntail Betta.

Do you own Crowntail Betta fish in your aquarium? Let us know in the comment section below…


Dibyajyoti Bordoloi is the creator and author of, a third-generation experienced fish keeper and owner of a successful pet breeding farm. He is also a member of the Center for Wildlife Rehabilitation And Conservation (Assam), the Marine Aquarium Societies of North East India, and the Kaziranga Nature Conservancy of Assam.