How To Get Rid Of Aiptasia Anemones In Reef Tank? – Kill, Prevent, Control, And Remove

How To Get Rid Of Aiptasia Anemones In Reef Tank? In this article about Aiptasia, we will discuss how this resilient and survival-oriented species can thrive in aquariums and the various methods that you can employ to eliminate it.

Understanding Aiptasia Anemones

Many saltwater enthusiasts at one stage in their hobby will have to contend with the Aiptasia Anemones. Aquarists describe Aiptasia in terms of creepy parasites that engulf beautiful and hauntingly organisms. I consider them to be unwelcome as demanding and deceivingly attractive house guests.

Imagine awakening to hearing the sounds of an unsolicited visitor looking around in your kitchen. After eating all of your chips made of potato, you ask the charming guest how he got to your house. “Oh, I walked in with your new roommate,” the man replies in between bites. You look around, and your roommate tells you the reason he didn’t realize anyone was in the room with him.

You’d like to kick your roommate for being the flies however, you’re forced to pay for your rent. Instead, you are trying to remove the hitchhiker who isn’t welcome. It’s not working. When you finally push the door open he’s seated on your sofa, eating the last piece of cake. No matter how you deal with it this intruding house guest disappears.

Although this may sound as bizarre as it may sound, this is exactly how dealing with an Aiptasia anemone is similar. What’s the reason? To know how this arachnid gets into your tank it is first to understand its nature of it.

It is classified as a symbiotic cnidaria, Aiptasia is a common organism that is found in tropical waters. As opposed to other organisms born of warm tropical oceans, Aiptasia can survive in an array of conditions of water quality and salinities. Its ability to adapt means that it is able to thrive in all kinds of different saltwater reservoirs.

If you’ve ever seen an Aiptasia-related outbreak, you’ve probably observed how quickly it spreads. The reason for this is its distinct reproducibility. While the majority of invasive species reproduce Aiptasia. This means that even without a partner this anemone can produce “children” from itself.

In reality, in order to make Aiptasia from scratch just one cell is required. Do you have any questions about why the problem isn’t going to disappear? The reason is probably due to methods of extermination. Damage to microscopic levels, that can send just one single cell in your tank, will be enough to replenish the species.

In addition to its natural rapid reproduction rate, saltwater aquariums are ideal habitats for Aiptasia. The well-balanced chemical composition of the reef tank and the ample sunlight required to ensure the survival of the self-contained ecosystem is the perfect environment for the insect.

How Aiptasia Anemones Enter Your Aquarium?

If you’re not one of the few eccentric aquarists who enjoy invasive species, you probably didn’t buy the Aiptasia colonies, or at least you believed.

You thought that the coral or live rock that you selected with care would bring beauty and balance to your saltwater aquarium you didn’t realize you could be bringing in an infestation. Anemones from Aiptasia enter your tank via a hitchhiking trip inside live rocks or at the base of a fragment of the coral you have purchased.

However, they are adept at hiding. When they feel threatened or attacked they quickly disappear into the tiny holes in a live rock. They are masters of patience. Aiptasia colonies may remain in the burrows of their homes for weeks or even months. At that point, it’s late. The coral or rock is living happily within the aquarium.

Should I Evict Aiptasia Anemones From My Aquarium?

The most frequently asked question about Aiptasia Anemones is whether they kill corals or fish. In the end, yes but not as you’d expect.

The greatest threat from Aiptasia is double-sided. The rapid growth of the species often leads to the overtaking of the rocks, which could cause your tank to be as crowded as the NYC subway trains during rush hour. But the true danger lies in the tentacles that sting. If threatened, venomous cells release their tentacles. The poison can be capable of killing corals with sensitive venom if they are close enough to the turf of the Aiptasia.

What do you think of fish? Can Aiptasia cause fatal harm to the inhabitants of your aquarium? The damage it causes from its sting doesn’t have the power to kill large fish or invertebrates. Smaller species aren’t able to withstand its territorial assault.

How To Get Rid Of Aiptasia Anemones In Reef Tank?

How To Get Rid Of Aiptasia Anemones In Reef Tank? - Kill, Prevent, Control, And Remove

Saltwater aquarium owners who have faced Aiptasia, the dreadful anemone, know the difficulty it will be to cleanse your tank of the tough survivor. But, as Aiptasia isn’t going to go away on its own It’s your job to say goodbye.

One of the first things you should make stops Aiptasia’s chance to prosper. You should feed your corals and fish to make sure that the Aiptasia does not get any food. While Aiptasia is a source of energy and Zooxanthellae, feeding them extra nutrients won’t make a difference.

The next step is to create a plan of approach. Many enthusiasts attempt to eliminate Aiptasia in physical form, and this typically results in the creation of more polyps and, consequently the problem gets worse. An alternative is to start by investing in a few naturally occurring Aiptasia predators.

A Safer Alternative to Killing Aiptasia – Red Sea Aiptasia-X.

Red Sea Aiptasia-X is among the most effective consumer-level extermination products on the market. After thoroughly examining its method and efficacy I was awed by its precision. Made with a unique patent-pending adhesive, Aiptasia-X prevents retractions during treatment and doesn’t harm coral health.

I would recommend this product when dealing with Aiptasia which has grown in or around coral colonies that are already established. According to my experience, it’s the most secure method to get rid of this pest without causing damage to fragile coral polyps.

The Secret Life of an Aiptasia Assassin – Home Remedies of Death

As you can observe, the swaying branches of this palm tree that is underwater aren’t something to be considered lightly. How do you get rid of an asexual organism that is capable of producing new generations from just one cell? This issue has bedeviled many aquarists since the beginning of aquariums with saltwater.

The main problem in eliminating Aiptasia is that it does so without damaging its physical strength of it. As we’ve seen, even any abrasion that is small enough can cause reproductive cells to be released throughout the tank. Additionally, the masters of survival hide in the live rocks at the first indication of danger.

You aren’t able to simply grab them from the inside and take them. Aquarists have devised several methods of extermination that are designed to eliminate Aiptasia anemones with as little effort as they can. What do you think? Through injecting various chemicals that are found in your home straight into your anemone.

So, can these remedies at home do the trick? While some of them are more fiction than actual There are a few worthy of mention. They include:

Each method must turn off its flow for 5 minutes. prior to and during the treatment and then wait 15 minutes. before turning it off following the treatment, including its return pump.

  • Lemon Juice – Instead of going to the glass of juice from a lemon in order to add flavor to your drink of water or tea, why not you could use it as an Aiptasia exterminator? Wearing gloves make sure to fill a syringe full of lemon juice and then inject it straight into your Aiptasia. Be sure to do this slowly to avoid damaging the anemone inside its hole.
  • Hydrogen Peroxide – Similar to Lemon juice you need to fill it with a syringe, and then carefully inject a little of this solution straight into the disc of your Aiptasia. Make sure not to let any hydrogen peroxide escape into the water tank. It is not the safest method.
  • Kalkwasser is also known in the form of Calcium Hydroxide, kalkwasser is capable of killing Aiptasia. But, I wouldn’t suggest this method of killing. In order for it to work effectively, you have to complete the Aiptasia with a concentrated amount. If you attempt to kill more than you can in this manner and accidentally raise the pH level of your tank and cause harm to your tank.
  • Different Methods – The other methods used to get rid of Aiptasia are boiling hot water vinegar, boiling water electricity as well and super glue. If you’re thinking about these options but you’re not sure of the best method that’s safer for your tank, you as well as your bank account.

Non-Chemical and Natural Ways to Remove Aiptasia

A chemical-free method to manage the Aiptasia condition is by injecting hot, scalding RO liquid in the polyp using the help of a hypodermic needle. The hot water is effective in killing the Aiptasia. Lemon juice could be used as well for injecting the Aiptasia.

Nature’s Calvary – What Fish Eat Aiptasia?

But, of course, what kind of guide could this be in the absence of discussing the best method of controlling Aiptasia colonies? If you’re seeking to eradicate the pest without chemicals or adding unnatural substances to your tank, you might think about utilizing nature’s insect control crew.

Although introducing natural predators to your tank might appear to be a good idea, there are a few warnings. Certain fish could prefer to consume more than Aiptasia anemones. Be aware when working with predatory fish. If you’re considering this method of killing, the sea animals listed below are hungry for Aiptasia:

  • Peppermint Shrimp – Perhaps the most well-known natural predator, Peppermint Shrimp are an efficient choice if you buy the correct species. You should use L. L. Manni shrimp, as these tiny creatures have a passion for Aiptasia Anemones. However, they may harm other soft corals in rare instances when they are hungry.
  • Copperband butterflyfishes are powerful killers, these gorgeous fish could also offer non-pest species a tasty dinner. They prefer to eat sessile invertebrates and beneficial anemones feather dusters, as well as clams. A word of caution: the fish can take a while to become killers of Aiptasia they are notoriously hard to maintain in saltwater aquariums.
  • Berghia Nudibranch classified as a sea slug the eating nudi of Aiptasia is a fascinating creature that has a fondness for anemones that cause pests. It is officially known as Berghia verrucicornis It is a natural predator of Aiptasia and is a good aquarium. In contrast to other natural predators that are natural such as sharks, the Nudibranch does not want to harm coral reefs or the inhabitants of other tanks. Additionally, their form and shape provide a unique look. You can tell it’s had its fill of Aiptasia anemone when its gills change to dark red when they eat. For maximum knowledge, you should BUY the Guide Book “Breeding Berghia Nudibranches the best kept secret” to your fishkeeping knowledge collection.
  • Aiptasia eating Filefish – Also called Acreichthys tomentosus, the Aiptasia-eating filefish originate originally from Indonesia and are hungry for anemones that are a nuisance. It’s important to know that the Aiptasia-eating filefish are timid fish that have an inclination to become aggressive towards their own species as well as other smaller fish. Though these fish that are hungry aren’t fussy eaters when their food supply decreases they’re known to nibble on corals. It is best to introduce Aiptasia Eating Fish in tanks that are large enough. We wouldn’t recommend introducing this fish in tanks that are smaller than 30 gallons.
  • Hermit Crabs – In my opinion, hermit crabs are among the safest predatory animals. They not only eat Aiptasia but they are also known to have a hankering for algae. However, these are similar to peppermint shrimp. Perhaps they’ll never ever touch them. It’s a lotto.

The Appearance of Invaders – What Aiptasia Look Like?

Also known as Glass, Tube, or Rock anemones Aiptasia’s are easy to spot. They appear like palm trees that are underwater. The body of the polyp which can be described as an essential “trunk” of the anemone is attached to a circular disk. The branches that wave around are actually tentacles that sting.

The characteristics of a specific species differ according to the species they belong to. For instance, certain Aiptasia species are transparent, and others are earth-toned. Most saltwater aquariums in Aiptasia are brownish-tan and vary from barely noticeable to several inches in length.

Distinction Between Aiptasia and Majano Anemone

It’s not difficult to identify the species of Aiptasia. The small tentacles with a stringy appearance are a sure sign. But this isn’t the only anemone that is that can infiltrate your tank. It’s the Majano Anemone might seem similar, however, the threat it poses to your tank needs particular attention.

Majano anemones are usually larger and usually have vibrantly colored designs. They also have tentacles, they’re not very stringy and thin. Instead, their tentacles are shaped like clubs and can be difficult to remove.

If you’re unsure about the kind of anemone that’s in your tank, please send us a photo and we’ll help you determine the identity of your guest.


What will eat Aiptasia in the reef tank?

Butterflyfish Auriga Longnose, Raccoon, Klein’s, and the copper band are a few species that consume corals and Aiptasia. Bristletail: Filefish is the only fish known to consume Aiptasia.

What causes Aiptasia in reef tanks?

The most popular method for the pests to make their entrance into your tank is through the result of a hitchhiker who is carrying new corals, live rocks, macroalgae, or live rock. They can spread across your tank in a short time, cause stings to corals, and begin to take over real estate in your tank.

How do I get rid of Aiptasia for good?

If things become out of control it may be necessary to take a rock from your aquarium and attempt something more extreme. It is possible to boil or bleach infested stones that will definitely cause the death of Aiptasia but it could also kill any other fish that is on the rock in addition to the rock.

What causes Aiptasia to grow?

Aiptasia reproduces quickly and can reproduce sexually as well as sexually. The asexual reproduction process is known by the term pedal laceration. When a pedal is lacerated tiny basal cells break away from the Aiptasia to spread throughout the tank, including reef rocks, substrates walls of aquariums as well as on equipment.

How To Get Rid Of Aiptasia Anemones In Reef Tank? – Final Thoughts

Aiptasia is not something you would like to observe in your aquarium, but it is almost inevitable. These ugly, fast-growing, and ugly anemones that cause pests can quickly overtake an aquarium and invade filtration systems when left to expand.

How To Get Rid Of Aiptasia Anemones In Reef Tank? There are a variety of methods to get rid of them, such as chemical products as well as more organic solutions and recommendations for livestock. Whichever method you decide to use it is likely that you will require other options and adhere to your schedule for several months until there is no evidence of Aiptasia.


Dibyajyoti Bordoloi is the creator and author of, a third-generation experienced fish keeper and owner of a successful pet breeding farm. He is also a member of the Center for Wildlife Rehabilitation And Conservation (Assam), the Marine Aquarium Societies of North East India, and the Kaziranga Nature Conservancy of Assam.