Do Turtles Need Water Conditioner? [7 Dirty Myths]

Do turtles need water conditioner? Yes, however, only if you make use of natural spring water for the turtle’s swimming area as well as drinking water. Tap water contains chlorine and fluorine. These substances can disrupt the pH balance and hurt the turtle. Both terrestrial, as well as aquatic turtles, need to bask.

When the water conditioner for turtles is installed it is recommended to put water in your refrigerator. This will ensure that the city doesn’t utilize chlorine or any other chemical compounds made of metal to create its “cleaning” water, so it’s safe for fish.

Turtles are smaller and less sensitive to the effects of chloramine in the water than fish, however, certain turtles appear to be sensitive to chlorine-based water. Reptisafe will eliminate chlorine (almost) immediately.

Alternately, let faucet water rest for a few hours (24 hours) in buckets with open sides before adding to your tank. This lets the chlorine out.

It is worth noting that some cities are using chloramine in place of chlorine for water disinfectants. Chloramine can last a lot longer. Reptisafe (and other brands too) are still able to eliminate it, however.

If you’re not keeping fish that are sensitive in your turtle tank, try making use of Reptisafe at 50 percent of the recommended rate and observe whether your turtle(s) exhibit symptoms or signs of irritation (e.g. eye contact).

Zoo Med ReptiSafe Instant Terrarium Water Conditioners
  • ReptiSafe removes chloramines and chlorine, detoxifies ammonia and...
  • Great for reptile water bowls, chameleon drip water systems, amphibian...
  • Also stimulates slime coat development in amphibians and fish.

Last update on 2024-10-22 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Do Turtles Need Water Conditioner?

Do turtles need conditioned water? You can perform the water conditioning of turtles using these inexpensive safe conditioners.

A majority of owners are not satisfied with the tap water that they receive This is the reason they use filters instead.

The only issue is they do an excellent job on the surface and perform well off the surface. Additionally, they are accessible in pet stores of all kinds.

Is API Turtle Water Conditioner Safe For Turtles?

Tap water must be treated before the addition of aquatic turtles, newts, or aquatic frogs to ensure that they are healthy. Turtle Water Conditioner Turtle Water Conditioner removes harmful chemical contaminants in tap water such as chlorine, chloramines, and heavy metals, which makes it safe for reptiles in the aquatic environment and amphibians.

API Turtle Water Conditioner ensures the safety of tap water by eliminating chloramines chlorine and eliminating heavy metals. It is useful for setting up the aquarium or vivarium, as well as when changing or adding water.

Personally, whenever I set the new habitat or when I am doing large water changes (25 percent to more) I employ API’s Turtle Water Conditioner to help the Nitrification bacteria. To my knowledge, turtles are perfectly fine with water coming from the tap.

The only problem I’ve experienced with the API Turtle Water Conditioner is that none of my local stores carry it, and I need to purchase it on the internet, or you can change it to Seachem Prime.

Here’s an online link to a water conditioner for turtle tanks from API which I and thousands of pet owners are using, as evidenced by Amazon reviews:

API TURTLE WATER CONDITIONER Water Conditioner 8-Ounce Bottle
  • Contains one (1) API TURTLE WATER CONDITIONER Water Conditioner...
  • Neutralizes chlorine, chloramines and other chemicals and heavy metals...
  • This turtle water conditioner prevents tap water chemicals from...
  • Treats up to 474 U.S Gallons (1 ml per 2 US Gallons)
  • Use when setting up an aquarium/vivarium, or when adding or changing...

Last update on 2024-10-22 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Why I Love It?
  • From a trusted and reputable brand
  • Bottlecap can also be used as a measuring cup
  • Particularly designed to be used by turtles
  • It is useful while the turtle is in its natural habitat.
  • Compatible with other API products

Is Tetra AquaSafe For Fish Safe For Turtles?

AquaSafe neutralizes the harmful chlorine, chloramines, and heavy metals like iron, copper, and zinc, found in tap water.

Additionally, it has unique colloids that help protect the skin (for the relevant species, including turtles). Useful for aquatic turtles, amphibians, snakes, lizards, and any ornamental fish.

Instantly ensures that tap water is safe for your pet. Liquid water conditioner that rapidly neutralizes harmful chloramines, chlorine as well as heavy metals like iron, copper, and zinc that may be found in tap water.

Unique colloids safeguard the skin (for suitable species, such as aquatic turtles). The product is safe to use with amphibians that are delicate such as frogs salamanders and newts.

It’s also suitable for aquatic turtles, snakes, lizards, and all ornamental fish. A teaspoon is enough to treat five gallons.

TetraFauna AquaSafe Water Conditioner for Reptiles & Amphibians 3.38oz (75077009)
  • CONDITIONS AQUA-TERRARIUM WATER: Essential care formula for pet...
  • MAKES TAP WATER SAFE: Instantly neutralizes harmful chlorine,...
  • INSTANT RESULTS: Liquid formula works in seconds to condition...
  • PROTECTS SKIN: Contains colloids to protect the skin of turtles and...
  • USAGE: Add 1 tsp for every 10 gallons of water.

Last update on 2024-10-22 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

How To Use Water Conditioner For Turtles?

Most of the time, most water conditioners are advised to include 1 ml per 2 gallons of water. However, ensure that you’ve read the directions thoroughly and understand that different manufacturers have different concentration levels. Also, you should follow what the label says.

Generally speaking, an entire bucket of water is typically conditioned within 5 to 10 minutes.

When you purchase a tank for the first time, ensure that your turtles are in separate containers when you clean your tank with the conditioner.

3 Reasons You Need To Use Turtle Tank Conditioners

As I said earlier the two conditioners have the same purpose. A few of them include:

  • Removes chloramine from your water.
  • Removes ammonia from the tank
  • Get rid of heavy metals

Clears Your Water From Chloramine

The water we drink in our homes is filtered to remove any undesirable microorganisms or bacteria. However, the chlorine levels that are used to treat water could harm our turtles.

Therefore, if you’re using tap water to water your turtle tank, make sure to first dechlorinate it. The water conditioner will do the job perfectly.

The most simple conditioners will also be used to dechlorinate water from the tap. Thus the fish conditioner will certainly be able to do this.

Detoxifies Ammonia From The Tank

A turtle tank must be able to maintain an ammonia concentration lower than 0.25 per milliliter (basically none). However, since your pets’ mess can raise ammonia levels at a rapid speed, it is essential to remain vigilant to keep them under control.

If the ammonia level is greater than the suggested amount, turtles may suffer from burns caused by ammonia. It can have serious health effects on turtles and may cause many diseases.

A water conditioner will keep your tank clean from the negative effects caused by ammonia. Alongside treatment, changing the water frequently is also essential.

Clears Out Heavy Metals

The fact that you have dechlorinated the tank’s water doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve eliminated all harmful elements. However, there are heavy metals in tap water that can be detrimental to your turtles.

Metallic salts and copper are among the heavy metals that can be dangerous to turtles when found in significant amounts.

You must be more cautious if you are a host for bottom dwellers, such as shrimps or crustaceans as they could be killed even from the smallest trace of copper.

A reliable tank water conditioner can neutralize any metals that could be present in the turtle tank. As I stated previously, water changes are essential to minimize the deposition of metals.

Is Water Conditioner Safe For Turtles?

Do turtles need water conditioner?

Do Turtles Need Water Conditioner? Water conditioner makes water an easy scrubbing liquid that dissolves chlorine, chloramines, and heavy metals, ensuring that reptiles and amphibians in aquatic environments can swim safely. Make sure that all tanks and vivaria are in good working order or transition. Make use of it when deciding on what is best to make of the water.

How Often Should I Change Turtle Water?

At least once per week, You should replace the tank’s water with fresh water. Even if your turtle’s swimming water appears clean it may be filled with ammonia or nitrite. Once every two or three weeks, clean out the entire tank and clean the filter.

Do You Need To Dechlorinate Water For Turtles?

When you use chlorine to cleanse tanks, good bacteria may also be eliminated, causing the nitrogen cycle of the tank to slow. Also, dogs’ favorite solution for dechlorinating water, which is sold at pet shops, is water conditioners. Charlotte is a city in the United States. Charlotte treats the water from its tap by adding chloramine, which is a supplement to chlorine.

Do You Need A Water Softener With A Well?

In a community that has an insignificant amount of these minerals, a home with a private well would likely require a softener for water. The magnesium and calcium minerals present in the water of wells make them difficult to drink. If it’s not naturally near the minerals play an important role in ensuring that water is inside.

Is Water Conditioner Necessary?

Do aquatic turtles need water conditioners? Restoring a secure source of water from the tap without needing to add any additional chemicals is confirmed by the efficacy that the conditioner’s water purifier has in its anti-inflammatory effect. For added security, an additional carbon piece should be put inside your filter at this period to keep contaminants from absorbing.

Can I Use Fish Water Conditioner For Turtles?

You can indeed use the fish water conditioner for your turtles. Both fish water conditioners and turtle water conditioners share the same goal which is to keep the water in your tank free of ammonia and chloramines.

But, turtles are bigger and 10 times more messed up than fish in aquariums. This means that you’ll require more powerful neutralizers turtles to be efficient in an aquarium with turtles.

While it is true that the fish water conditioner will detoxify your turtle tank to a certain degree, it may not be as reliable as the turtle conditioner.

Turtle Water Conditioner Vs. Fish Water Conditioner

It is generally true that a turtle’s water conditioner contains a high concentration of specific chemicals that effectively cleanse a turtle’s tank more effectively. They are made up of quaternary ammonium salts that effectively neutralize the toxicity of ammonia.

Additionally, the ammonium salt lowers the tension of water within the tank, which helps your turtle’s gills get oxygen to its lungs.

The water conditioners for fish typically don’t contain algaecide.

What algaecide can do is stop the development of algae on the turtle’s shell. This happens quite frequently with turtles because their shells are prone to becoming the equivalent of an algae farm.

The algaecide assists in dissolving the algae and debris, so your turtle will be able to shake off or shed it naturally.

Is Well Water Good For Fish Tank?

There are a lot of things that the fish tank cannot accomplish with water from a well. However, using water that isn’t properly treated for a fish tank can result in many other issues. Well water isn’t regulated similar to municipal water. If your location is well-watered the concentration could be quite high, depending on the conditions you live in.

Do I Need A Water Softener And Conditioner?

If a softener for water is part of any water conditioner it is possible to improve the efficiency of your water by removing the hard particles from your water. It is also more efficient for appliances and clothes too.

Do I Need To Treat Well Water For Aquarium?

In addition, water from wells may be sensitive water with high levels of calcium and hardness, or deficient in oxygen levels, meaning that fish could not endure in them without oxygen.


What Kind Of Water Should I Use For My Turtle Tank?

The turtles you keep should allow them to drink water that is filtered and chlorinated water as the pool is being kept. By adding one teaspoon of salt to each gallon of water you can lower the amount of bacteria present within it, and increase health protection. There is a possibility that turtles carry Salmonella.

Is Well Water Safe For Tortoises?

Pets should be provided with pure, purified water like tap water, bottled water, and other sources of refined water when they are available. To keep their effectiveness chlorine, flavorings, and chemical substances should not be used.

Can Turtles Be Put In Tap Water?

In general, turtles do not have as much space as fish do. There is a way to refill your tank with water from the tap or bottled water. It is important to note that this doesn’t mean you have to give a chlorine level that is too excessive for your pet to consume. Do not assume that the water’s quality can be identified once you first find it.

What Kind Of Water Do You Use For Turtles?

Pet turtles need to be provided with the water they require and should use its natural sources to ensure their hot springs are clear. There are chemicals present in tap water that could cause harm to turtles by lowering the pH of their water. Fluorine and chlorine can negatively impact the balance of pH. Terrestrial and aquatic turtles need to bask.

Can Turtles Be In Hard Water?

The hard water is healthy for your turtles and your body, despite what you think. Hard-chlorinated water is in fact, believed to be beneficial in decreasing plaque buildup in the arteries. What’s this? What’s this? It may appear that you’re reaping some health advantages from hard water however, it could also harm their shells and make them look ugly.

Can I Use Faucet Water For My Turtle?

Turtles are usually seen in water when they are in the water. The youngsters drink the water, swim in it, and then eat it as they eat it. It’s not difficult to conclude that we should be cautious when it comes to putting water in the turtle’s tank. Your turtle’s tank can be filled with tap water or bottles of water.

Can I Use Well Water For My Turtles?

Do you have any information on your experiences in conjunction with turtles? The primary distinction is that generally speaking, the water from wells tends to be harsher when it comes to minerals like magnesium and calcium, along with higher alkalinity (highest pH). It is also able to soften and this, in turn, increases its salt content by only a small amount.

Do Turtles Need Water Conditioner? (Conclusion)

Remember that products such as Reptisafe take out nitrite and ammonia along with chloramine as well as chlorine. Nitrite and ammonia are the primary foods for these two Nitrifying bacteria.

The use of these products could hinder the development of the nitrifying colony. This could throw your water system off balance to cause illnesses for turtles or fish.

It hasn’t been tested so per my knowledge. This is the primary reason I use API Tap Water Conditioner.

You can even call the water company to inquire what methods they use to kill bacteria that are present in the water. Certain water companies inject chloramine gas into the water, to eliminate bacteria.

In my home, I checked the water for traces and did not find any trace of chlorine. It appears that it disappears before reaching my house. So, I don’t make use of dechlorination for the water.

Dibyajyoti Bordoloi is the creator and author of, a third-generation experienced fish keeper and owner of a successful pet breeding farm. He is also a member of the Center for Wildlife Rehabilitation And Conservation (Assam), the Marine Aquarium Societies of North East India, and the Kaziranga Nature Conservancy of Assam.