Baby Axolotl Care, Cost, Tank Set-Up, Feed & Species Profile

Did you realize that the baby axolotl stays a “baby” for the rest of their lives? It’s true! They never move past their larval stage. Even though they are endangered on the planet, they are also one of the most sought-after exotic pets available today.

If you’ve ever owned axolotls then you’ve probably figured out that they’ve got specific tank and water requirements, that can be challenging to meet for a lot of novices.

These aren’t pets that you can handle, however, they are fun to observe. They are fairly easy to handle and are tough and therefore suitable for pet owners who are new to the hobby. In addition, their food needs are quite simple.

If you’re completely new to axolotls and are looking to rear one or more baby axolotls, I would encourage you to read this guide to caring for axolotls, in which I go over the needs of infant axolotls, and how you can provide them with the best possible care.

It doesn’t matter if you’re raising baby axolotls from eggs or have a baby axolotl from a pet store This guide will provide all you need to know how to successfully raise baby axolotls.

Can You Have a Baby Axolotl as a Pet?

Axolotls are excellent pets for beginners If you’ve had experience keeping an aquarium that is freshwater or reptiles that live in water. If you do not have this kind of experience, it’d be best to give them to the intermediate reptile keepers since they require special attention to ensure their water quality requirements.

Are Axolotls Endangered in 2024 and Beyond?

Despite their ubiquity as captives, however, the wild axolotls are extremely endangered.

Can You Still Buy Axolotl?

Axolotls are readily available from private breeders as well as axolotl lovers. They are also available in reptile exhibitions and expos. They can be ordered on the internet, or be able to obtain custom-ordered from an exotic pet store in your area.

Axolotl for sale: How much do Axolotl babies cost?

Axolotls are in themselves quite affordable. They generally have an amount for axolotls. Axolotls are priced between $30 and $75 for a simple but healthy one. If you’re seeking something more unique like a piebald version of the axolotl the price will be around $100.

What are Axolotl Babies Called?

A Baby Axolotl is Called a Larvae!

Axolotl babies are part of the salamander family. They are born from slime-covered eggs that take around 2 weeks for the hatching process. In contrast to other salamanders, they don’t undergo metamorphosis. They do not go beyond the stage of a larva. Instead, they remain in this state for the rest of their lives this is known as neuroanatomy.

The axolotl baby hatchlings aren’t the only species that are called larvae. Scientists have concluded that any animal that must undergo a drastic transformation to reach adulthood is referred to as larvae. A good example of such an animal is a frog which develops from a tadpole into an adult.

How are Baby Axolotls Born?

Axolotls breed in the winter months of late winter and into early spring, and their breeding habits are as a kind of dance the male axolotl takes women axolotl to bring in the cloaca packets of sperm called spermatophores that are deposited from the male axolotl. The process is known as indirect fertilization.

When fertilization takes place it’s not long as eggs are typically laid by females 12 to 72 hours later. Female axolotls can lay as many as 1,500 eggs, but adults are required to separate the eggs since they will avoid eating them.

When the process is finished After the process is completed, you must take the eggs out as well as the adult. The animals don’t mind eating their eggs.

Certain breeders prefer to move eggs from separate containers, leaving adult fish in their main tanks. Axolotl eggs are strong enough to be moved therefore, you can transfer eggs from one tank to a different tank.

Eggs can be removed from rocks by carefully slicing the outside jelly layer of the eggs using your fingers. Because several layers of jelly cover the egg, there is no need to worry about breaking the eggs.

Eggs laid on plants are most simple to get rid of, just take them out with the plant and put them in the aquarium.

If you decide to leave eggs in your breeding tank or transfer the eggs to an adult tank it’s important to know that eggs will develop faster when temperatures are warmer. Eggs take 15 to 21 days to hatch, based on the temperature of the water.

Maintaining the temperature of the water at approximately 70 F (21 C) will result in a hatching time that is from 15 and 21 days.

When the eggs hatch One of your main issues will be finding suitable food for your newborn Axolotls.

What to Do When the Eggs Hatch?

At its larval stage, axolotls won’t be able to eat immediately. They’ll first absorb the yolks of their eggs, then, within 72 – 48 hours, they’re able to accept live food.

As I said you may have hundreds of eggs laying, and while you could keep eggs within the tank together for just a short time, you’ll need to get them out of the tank quickly and put these eggs into separate living areas.

Around 100 hatchlings in a 20-gallon aquarium are sufficient but as they get bigger, you’ll have to relocate them to smaller areas. The smaller the tank, the more suitable it is to keep them safe from diseases or juvenile cannibalism.

The next step is to go over the needs of tanks for axolotl young ones and the food you should feed in the beginning phases of their lives until adulthood.

Baby Axolotl Tank Set-Up

As I said at the beginning of this baby axolotl care guide, it’s crucial to ensure that you meet the tank’s requirements correctly. The amphibians are sensitive to variations in temperature as well as other parameter fluctuations. Therefore you should be aware of the conditions of your water.

Tank Size

When axolotls are still in the larval stage, you can keep lots of them in one tank, but as they eat food and grow in size, you’ll have to set the tanks in different ways for them.

Be sure to keep your pet in glass containers, not plastic ones. Also, try to keep as little as possible in a single space. Also, ensure that they are fed properly so that they don’t get into fights.

When they are around 2 cm in length (around 7 days) and their front legs begin to grow Axolotls show a strong cannibalistic tendency.

Since not all axolotls grow in the same way I would also suggest separating the axolotls based on their size so that you offer them a greater chance to develop.

It is possible to divide them by size once they’re around 2 cm in size because that’s when they begin to exhibit cannibalistic characteristics and begin to snap at any object that moves. This can result in damage or even death for smaller Axolotls. Signs of axolotl cannibalism are broken or missing limbs as well as the gills.

You can cut down on the number of cannibalistic incidents by restricting the amount of axolotl that can be kept within the same aquarium as well as by dividing the larvae of axolotl based on their size.

In general, for adult axolotls, the suggested size of the tank ranges from 15 to 20 gallons. Of course, a tank this large could house numerous larvae and the young axolotls. But as they mature, be sure to relocate the axolotls in larger aquariums with the understanding that they’re best kept as a pair because they’re known to nip at each other in adulthood.

Another way to limit cannibalistic tendencies is to have an abundantly planted tank and a minimal amount of lighting.

Certain experts suggest that feeding your axolotl baby properly will help prevent attacks on your other children inside the tank.

Water Temperature

Adult axolotls can withstand waters between 59 – 73 °F (15 and 23° C). Their optimal range is between 60 – 64° F (16 and 18° C).

Juvenile axolotls require slightly warmer water, which can boost their metabolism and allow them to develop faster.

For babies, Axolotls, I suggest an ideal temperature range between 18-20° C (64-68° F). It is essential to ensure that the temperature of the water remains stable since fluctuations can create tension and raise the chance of contracting an infection.


The substrate is a sensitive matter for Axolotls. The use of gravel in an adult axolotl aquarium could lead to impaction problems since axolotls drink water, hence, sand is the best choice.

Unfortunately, sand is not something you can be suitable for infant axolotls as the sand could be harmful to them. So, I would recommend abstaining from adding any substrates to your tank until your axolotls get to 5 inches or more.

When they’re large enough to where the ingesting of sand is not an issue, you’re able to include sand, which is the most preferred substrate for axolotls.

It is possible to place them in a tank that is bare bottom too, but I have found that adding sand increases the traction of the axolotls aiding them to move around the tank more easily, and possibly reducing stress levels.

Aquarium Filter

In this larval stage, a few small water changes a week are suggested. I recommend that you keep track of the parameters of your water and make adjustments accordingly.

If you’re looking to decrease the frequency of water changes it is possible to try bio-foam filters, which may not be sufficient to be used by adult axolotls. However, they’re perfect for axolotls that are larval since there is no chance of sucking the larvae.

Highly experienced aquarists can utilize hang-on-back filters or canister filters in large aquariums and tweak their filter’s inlet to avoid the larvae from sucking.

They also utilize spray bars or some other way of dispersing the outflow, which is a well-known stressor for axolotls regardless of whether they’re juveniles or not.

Other Water Parameters

In addition to the temperature of the water, you must take note of the water’s hardness (axolotls prefer moderately hard water) and the water’s pH (the optimal range of pH is 6.5 to 8.0, the optimal range is between 7.4 and 7.6).

Baby Axolotl Feeding Requirements

The axolotls who have just been born are motionless and don’t eat immediately. They’re around 10-13 mm (roughly 0.5 inches) in length and take in all the egg yolk they still have this is the reason they’ll not require food now.

What to Feed Baby Axolotls?

After 48-72 hours of hatching, they’re ready to eat. Because they’re very small in size and have tiny mouth openings, their diet has to comprise live food with small dimensions.

Axolotls in the infant stage will not eat food that’s not alive until they’re a bit under an inch. As they grow to this size, you’ll be able to introduce other food items too.

At the beginning of their larval stage, axolotls rely on their movements to find food sources. They also require live food sources.

In the future, when your sense of smell begins to develop, you may expose them to decaying food. In the meantime it is not possible to provide them with fresh food, they’ll be starving to death.

In the first stages of larval development, axolotls do not show cannibalistic traits and will provide them with a food source, therefore as long as you don’t feed them living foods that are not large enough to allow them to consume the food, you could lose your axolotls.

At this point, axolotls eat freshly hatched babies brine shrimp, and freshly hatched Daphnia and you could also attempt micro worms but you could encounter issues with microworms because they aren’t at the top of their list of preferred foods.

If you cannot find quality fresh-hatched baby brine shrimp or daphnia, I recommend you make your own at-home culture.

To always have fresh-hatched brine shrimp, make sure to establish multiple cultures at different intervals to ensure you have something to feed your Axolotls.

Live foods are a possibility of spreading diseases to the aquarium. This is one reason that many aquarists opt to develop individual cultures (you can purchase brine shrimp culture kits off Amazon) at home, rather than purchasing them commercially.

Be aware to note that no axolotl be able to enjoy the same meals. I suggest diversifying your diet to increase the chances of having all axolotls properly fed.

It’s crucial to know it is important to note that axolotls are carnivores. You’ll require feeding them this meat-based diet until adulthood.

Adult axolotls are omnivores and eat dead and live meaty foods. I’ve mentioned that they’re still developing live food to stimulate their hunting behavior.

As they grow older, they’ll depend upon their smell to find food. So the food that is dead meaty foods can also be fed to them.

An excellent source of protein for axolotls is earthworms which must be obtained from organic farms that don’t utilize chemicals. Better still, if you have enough space, you could even rear them on your own.

Bloodworms are freeze-dried and frozen tubifex and blackworms are nutritious sources Just make sure to take them from fish-free water or cultures because they could carry diseases and parasites which could make your axolotls ill too.

It is also possible to feed your axolotls with high protein and vitamin-enriched pellets (the soft kind) similar to floating fish feed pellets. Pellets that sink are not as well received by axolotls.

How Often Should You Feed Baby Axolotls?

As baby axolotls are growing, I recommend feeding them at least once or twice per day. At the age of adulthood, it’s sufficient to feed axolotls every 2-3 days, however, as they continue to develop, feeding them at least twice per day is suggested.


Is It Legal to Have an Axolotl as a Pet in the US?

Many have noted that Axolotls are not allowed to be kept as pets in a few US states and Canadian provinces and provinces, as well as elsewhere in the world. Within the United States, axolotls are prohibited in California, Maine, and New Jersey in addition to D.C., while a permit is required in New Mexico and Hawaii.

What is the Rarest Axolotl Color in Real Life?

Lavender Axolotl (silver dalmatian) morphs are extremely rare Axolotls. These axolotls typically are lavender or lighter gray. This light purple color is contrasted by silver-colored spots to dark gray which speckle the entire body. These spots are what make it a silver Dalmatian.

Is it OK to Touch Axolotl?

Although axolotls are remarkably resistant to minor fluctuations in their environments, they possess soft, delicate bodies that have permeable skin. The majority of their bodies are made of cartilage and not bone. Therefore, they should not be handled unless it is required.

How Many Axolotls are Left in the World?

Axolotls remain a common and well-loved pet, but wild axolotls are classified as being critically endangered with around 1000 individuals or fewer left in the wild.

Do Axolotls Bite?

Axolotls do bite anything and everything that moves within their range But their teeth aren’t big enough to cause a lot of discomfort. Axolotls aren’t a threat to humans, they are simply looking for food or nibbling in self-defense.


Axolotls as babies can be difficult for inexperienced aquarists, but you can do an excellent job raising them if you are aware of their feeding habits and keeping requirements.

Female axolotls can lay hundreds of eggs. They usually do it at times you don’t expect them to. If you are breeding axolotls ensure you’re aware of everything you have to do to look after and rear the babies of Axolotls.

Before you move your baby axolotls into grow-out tanks, I strongly recommend that you set up an appropriate filter system keeping in mind that axolotls that are small may become stuck in the water intake and you should go through the tank.

Due to the particular water hardness as well as the water pH and temperature requirements for axolotls, I would also advise you to buy a top-quality water testing kit, along with an aquarium thermometer.

Also, be sure to educate yourself about the possible diseases that could be introduced into the aquarium through live food and, when you can, create your own living food cultures.

I am hoping that this baby axolotl care guide will help you in creating an environment that is healthy for your axolotls. You will be able to breed and raise Axolotls.

Dibyajyoti Bordoloi is the creator and author of, a third-generation experienced fish keeper and owner of a successful pet breeding farm. He is also a member of the Center for Wildlife Rehabilitation And Conservation (Assam), the Marine Aquarium Societies of North East India, and the Kaziranga Nature Conservancy of Assam.