How To Take Care Of Clownfish In Aquarium?

Clownfish Care Sheet: Is It Hard To Take Care Of Clownfish?

How to take care of clownfish in aquariums? Clownfish are simple to keep and have easy diets compared to different saltwater fish.

The Nemo is loved by everyone, therefore beginner fish keepers are typically desperate to have him swimming around their home fish tank.

They are additionally superb to learn about, with unique communication and biology.

Each fish can bring temperament in abundance, together with beautiful patterns and fascinating movements, like their ‘waddle’ while they swim. In this article, we will talk you through how to care for them, what to feed them, and their specific tank needs.

Clownfish Facts:

Care Level:Easy
Color Form:Orange, Black, White
Clownfish Lifespan:6 Years
Size:Up to 4″
Minimum Tank Size:20 Gallons
Tank Set-Up:Marine: Coral or Rocks
Reef Compatible (Safe):Yes


These beautiful small bright fish are many hobbyists’ first fish, making them a tried and tested starter fish. Clownfish bring color and personality to your aquarium.

There are at least thirty species of longfin clownfish but two of them (most frequently called Orange Clownfish) are the most popular varieties. Their care needs are very similar, so this article will focus on caring for these two species.

Clownfish Scientific Name: These are the Ocellaris Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris, also known as the False Percula Clownfish) and the Percula Clownfish (Amphiprion percula).

All thirty species belong to the family Pomacentridae, which includes Damselfish.

The lifespan of clownfish is 6 years however there are reports of some species living longer.

They have an interesting group structure that often fascinates aquarists, where the dominant member of the group becomes the female and forms a pair with a breeding male.

How much does a clownfish cost?

Clownfish cost around $15 and many are usually available from aquatic stores that sell saltwater species as well as from online stores.

Typical Behavior: Are Clownfish Aggressive?

These are peaceful fish that will only turn aggressive when another Clownfish species is present – this means that a tank can only have one Clownfish species.

Living in the higher levels of the tank, they will often claim a small spot that has a weak current. They will leave this spot to be near Anemone if they are introduced, as this is where they would naturally find food.

They are well-studied because of their fascinating relationship with certain species of Anemones. A combination of being resistant to the toxins and the production of mucus that prevents the Anemones from stinging them, allows them to live together.

To accommodate their weak swimming, they need places to hide and feed.

Appearance of Clownfish

Clownfish Care Sheet: Is It Hard To Take Care Of Clownfish?

They have long bodies and a dip in their dorsal fin that makes it appear as if they have two fins and not one. The False Percula has 11 spines on their dorsal fins, on the other hand, the True Percula has only 10 spines.

These species will grow to around 4 inches but are typically smaller. This makes them an excellent size for smaller aquariums or beginner tanks.

They have three white stripes: one behind the gills, one in the center of the body, and one at the bottom of the caudal fin. The central stripe protrudes to create a more triangular shape pointing towards the head.

Their stripes and fins often have a black outline which brings some real flare to them and makes their movements more enchanting. The False Percula will have thinner or no black outlines, which makes them bright in contrast to darker aquariums.

They have a rounded caudal fin which is why they aren’t great swimmers. It is very easy for them to be overpowered by strong filters.

True Perculas are most commonly orange, but natural black varieties can also be found. Some rare color morphs have also been bred to create varieties such as platinum (which is almost completely white).

clownfish tank requirements

The following is an inventory of the equipment that you’ll need at a minimum requirement to keep Clownfish:

  • tank – at minimum 30 liters
  • water – specially made artificial sea salt that is mixed with a water ager
  • Sand – small-grained sea sand
  • 1kg of rock live per 20 Liters of water, at a minimum.
  • filter – nearly any type of mechanical filter is suitable (optional)
  • circulation – a tiny (100 Liters per hour) internal pump that keeps the water flowing
  • ammonia test kit to measure the amount of ammonia present in water.
  • heating 100 watts of heat per 50 liters
  • illumination: one or more lights
  • thermometer – to measure the temperature
  • hydrometer – to measure the salinity of water
  • Kit for testing nitrite – to determine the amount of nitrates within the water
  • Test pH – to determine the pH of the water

Clownfish Tank Setup: Clownfish Habitat and Tank Requirements

They live in the warm parts of the Pacific and the Indian Ocean in coral reefs, or in shallow lagoons near Australia and Southeast Asia.

Due to their symbiosis with Anemones, they are rarely found lower than 40 feet and are not found in shallow waters due to the increased temperature and decreased salinity. They are weak swimmers, so will stick to Anemones that are protected from the current by corals or rocks.

The water near reefs has few nutrients which makes it clear. This takes time and is difficult to replicate in the home aquarium – but it is possible!

Clownfish Tank Conditions

Anemones are harder to keep than Clownfish, so if you are trying to pair the two your tank must be designed around the Anemones first.

Although these fish don’t have any specific light requirements, and Anemone does so the type of lighting you need will depend on the species of Anemone you choose. Anemones will need at least a 50-gallon tank, so cannot be kept in the smaller tanks that a Clownfish can.

If this fish isn’t being kept with Anemones, then a smaller tank will work well as long as it is well established, with proper filtration and water conditions that replicate wild water conditions.

Their preferred temperature is between 74-79°F, so a heater will need to be installed. A thermometer will need to be used daily to make sure that the water is kept constant.

The Clownfish aquarium must have a pH between 7.8 and 8.4 to keep them healthy. Again, this convenient pH permits for pairing with a lot of other species.

These fish need a specific gravity that is between 1.021 and 1.026. Fluctuations in water quality can be reduced by keeping a larger volume of water either in the tank or in a sump.

There should be a good layout for the tank which provides both aesthetic pleasures as well as practical protection for them from the water flow. This can be done using rocks or live rocks, or fake reef inserts.

The best layouts are ones that provide a combination of open swimming spaces and hiding places.

They can be kept in sediment-free tanks for ease of cleaning, but some tank mates may need substrate so it is best to plan inhabitants well in advance of putting them in the tank.

Clownfish Tank Size: What Size Aquarium Do They Need?

While keeping Clownfish, the Clownfish minimum tank size is at least a 20-gallon tank, so they have enough room to both hide and explore. You will need a larger tank if you want to keep an Anemone too.

For each additional Clownfish allow a further 10 gallons.

Clownfish Diet: What Do Clownfish Eat in an Aquarium?

What to feed Clownfish: One of the things that make Clownfish such ideal beginner fish is that they are famously easy to feed.

They are omnivores that in the wild will eat copepods, small crustaceans, algae, anemone tentacles, fish eggs, and larvae.

Their varied wild diet can be replicated in the home aquarium by feeding them meaty foods such as Mysis shrimp and Brine shrimp. They will also readily eat frozen fish and table shrimp (provided it is finely chopped).

Live foods can be used to acclimate wild-caught species or to encourage breeding.

If you are lucky enough to have low algae levels in your tank, flakes, and pellets that have spirulina will provide the vegetable side of their diet.

Smaller Clownfish will need to be fed near their safety zone – this will be a small area that they will almost always be in until they are larger. Once they are larger, they will still need to be fed in areas where there is no strong water flow to prevent difficulty in feeding.

Adults will need feeding twice a day, and juveniles will need feeding 3 or 4 times a day. Only provide what they can eat within 3 minutes time period, and clean unconsumed food out of your aquarium to keep the tank water at an optimal level.

Clownfish Tank Mates: Fish Compatible With Clownfish

In a wild environment, you can find Clownfish living among so many other reef fish. They can live in small tanks as well as large communities, showing how adaptable they are.

It is very common to pair them with Anemones, but a pairing is not guaranteed and they can survive in captivity without this symbiotic relationship. If it is achieved, however, it can be an amazing interaction to witness and show off.

Some suitable Anemones are Bubble Tip Anemones, Magnificent Anemones, and Leathery Sea Anemones.

Small fish such as Damselfish, Wrasses, Dartfish, and Butterflyfish are easy to keep alongside Clownfish. Bottom dwellers such as Blennies and Gobies live at different levels of the tank so are also welcome tank mates.

Shrimps (such as Peppermint Shrimps) and Harlequin Shrimps can make interesting additions, they are peaceful and helpful by breaking down waste food.

Because of Clownfish’s weak swimming, bigger fish such as saltwater Angelfish and Tangs must be monitored to make sure they are not causing stress.

Aggressive fish such as Groupers, Lionfish, Eels, and Triggerfish cannot be kept with them as they will prey on them. Also, they cannot be kept with other species of Clownfish because they will quickly become aggressive with each other.

Keeping Clownfish Together

You can keep Clownfish together – it is recommended to keep them in pairs or groups of the same species.

Clownfish Care Sheet: how to take care of clownfish in aquarium?

Are Clownfish Easy To Care For? Though they are overall very hardy and easy to care for, Clownfish can still get sick, so need regular monitoring and care. This includes regular water testing and tank cleaning.

The water parameters need to be constant. You should check water conditions often, as the quicker a change is detected, the easier it will be to put it right again.

Water changes of at least 15% should be done weekly, and even more for smaller aquariums.

Excess food should be removed to prevent algal growth and nitrite/nitrate sickness. Visible algae can be cleaned using a suitable cleaner.

They can heal from most minor setbacks rapidly but are still susceptible to stronger diseases such as ick or dropsy. Research any abnormal behaviors, discolorations, or a change in appetite to take steps to help them recover.

Clownfish as Pets: They will care for you back by being one of the most rewarding pets to keep and reducing your stress levels too.

How To Breed Clownfish

It is easy for Percula Clownfish to be bred in captivity, however, first, you should know about the biology of Clownfish.

Clownfish Gender Change

They are all born without sex, and through social cues and hormone changes, they will become either a male or a female. The largest of pair will become female, while the smaller will remain male.

If there are other Clownfish in the group, they will become males but will not breed with the female.

Breeding Process

Once the temperature is slightly higher, at 83°F, they will begin a courtship and within 5 days they will begin spawning.

Together the breeding pair will perform rituals that include standing on their heads and pressing their dorsal fins together, alongside cleaning part of the rock near the Anemone for the eggs to be placed on.

They will produce anywhere from 50 to 500 eggs once a month, which after 8 days will hatch and swim to the surface until a fortnight later when they will find a home amongst the anemone.

Whilst they are not impossible to breed, it may take patience and a few failed attempts to get it right.


Are clownfish for beginners?

Usually, a fish that is easy to find indicates that it is common among hobbyists. However, just because it’s easily accessible, doesn’t mean it is an easy fish to catch for beginners. The most straightforward fish to catch are generally Clownfish and Damselfish Both of them are excellent for novices.

What size tank do I need for 2 clownfish?

A tank of 15-gallon size and 2 feet in length may be sufficient for a couple of clowns as well, and you might manage to fit an anemone (only those with smaller sizes ….. known as rocks or bubble tips which do not host clowns). It is assumed that you are following proper reef care practices and are able to maintain an environment that is stable.

What tank do I need for clownfish?

If you are planning to keep clownfish, it is necessary to have tanks that are not less than 30 gallons, or 120 liters.

Do you need 2 clownfish in a tank?

In a tank, it’s best to keep one pair of clownfish because having several pairs in the same tank could create a number of problems like stress, tension, and more aggression. However, if you own an enormous tank (100 to more than 100 gallons) it is possible to keep three or two pairs of clownfish.

Summary: is it hard to take care of clownfish?

How to take care of clownfish in aquariums? As one of the easier types of saltwater fish to look after, the Clownfish could be the start of your aquarium hobby! Or they could be your new favorite if you are considering adding it to an established tank.

They provide one of the most interesting personalities in the fish world, so are well worth considering.

If you are starting a new tank, make sure you look at a variety of species and options available so you can get the perfect tank that you are proud of.

Are you a proud owner of a Clownfish? Do you have any memorable experiences with them? Let us know in the comments section below…


Dibyajyoti Bordoloi is the creator and author of, a third-generation experienced fish keeper and owner of a successful pet breeding farm. He is also a member of the Center for Wildlife Rehabilitation And Conservation (Assam), the Marine Aquarium Societies of North East India, and the Kaziranga Nature Conservancy of Assam.