Red Hook Silver Dollar Fish: Care Guide & Species Profile

Red Hook Silver Dollar fish are sometimes referred to in the same way as Redhook fish or Myloplus rubripinnis. They are fun to observe in any freshwater tank. To care for them, you have a solid understanding of their behavior, the right tankmates, and the most appropriate food plan to ensure they are in tip-top condition.

Red Hook Silver Dollars are one of the most sought-after fish that are suited to novice as well as experienced aquarists. In addition to being an excellent Dither fish for your aquarium, they are also stunning to observe because of their sociable nature.

Red Hook Silver Dollar Fish: A Comprehensive Care Guide

They possess a distinctive and captivating appearance that is noticeable for a long time since they are usually found in the top and middle areas of the aquarium.

They are fish that thrive in freshwater with a lot of vegetation, with plenty of refuge zones, and are often in close proximity to other peaceful species of a similar size.

If you consider the lifespan of the silver dollar fish the ease of care it provides is definitely a plus. They usually live for 10 years, with some people exceeding that age by one or two years in the event that they’re winners of a lottery of genes.

Learn everything you must learn about breeding and raising healthy attractive, happy Red Hook Silver Dollars.

Quick Stats for Red Hook Silver Dollars

Care levelEasy
Lifespan10 years
Size10 inches (when mature)
Tank setupFreshwater (heavily planted with tough plants)
Tank size70 gallons/72”x15”x15”(for a group of adult fish)
TemperamentA peaceful (best maintained in small groups (of no less than 5)
Temperature760F to 800F

This guide is designed to answer your questions regarding this fish that is known as the red hook Silver dollar fish to ensure that you are able to include these beautiful, fast-moving beauties into your tank!

About The Red Hook Silver Dollar Fish

Red hook Silver dollar fish often referred to as Myloplus rubripinnis is part of the Serrasalmidae family.

It was previously thought to be a part of the Characidae family, and to the Serrasalminae subfamily, It has been added to 90 other species belonging to the recently elevated family category Serrasalmidae.

The distinguishing feature of this line of family members is their serrated keel running along their belly.

These amazing fish are often found in the waters of South America, from Ecuador, Venezuela, and Colombia, all the way to Peru as well as Brazil.

This silver-dollar fish thrives in the abundance of tall vegetation that is found within both the Amazon along with the Rio Orinoco. Their slim and tall form allows them to maneuver through heavily plant freshwater areas.

Aquarists frequently refer to them by the name of “plant piranhas,” and with good reason! They are a school of silver-dollar fish that can eat all plants.

Remember this when you’re planning your tank’s layout in order to include elements that are similar to the driftwood and rocks that are found within the Red hook silver dollars the environment.

The main attraction of the fish is their speedy swimmers as well as their schooling behavior. This feature can add any aquarium a lively and vibrant feeling.

Silver dollars are a good choice if you’re new to tanks with larger capacity. As they mature, the fish can reach lengths of more than 10 inches. Their low-maintenance nature will help you get used to the process of managing the larger tank.

It is the only handful of silver dollars are available for sale:

  • Red Hook Silver Dollar Fish
  • Spotted Silver Dollar Fish
  • Tiger Silver Dollar Fish

Red Hook Silver Dollar Fish Lifespan

These fish are available for sale in sizes that range from small to super-large. But, size isn’t an accurate indicator of the longevity of your fresh tank’s fish.

The Red hook Silver dollar is characterized by a comparatively slow rate of growth, and its maximum size could be different depending on the particular.

The standard silver dollar fish’s life span is 10 years. However, there are reports of individuals who make the distinction of living 1 or 2 years longer than their 10-year-old peers. A strong set of genetics and the best habitat are the main factors behind this unusual event.

They are a tough and sturdy species, principally because of the roughness of their habitat. This is good news for those who are aquarists!

The ideal level of water pH level, the water hardness, and temperature all fall within a larger range than those of the majority of freshwater fish. This means that you can be healthy and happy with silver dollar fish in your aquarium without micromanaging the water’s conditions.

Red hook Silver dollar fish could be slow-growing and once they’re fully developed to their adult size is quite an interesting perspective!

Red Hook Silver Dollar Fish Appearance

Red Hook Silver Dollar Fish
Red Hook Silver Dollar Fish

The fish has a beautiful real-life connection to the name. It is akin to a silver coin and has a nearly circular view from the side, and an attractive appearance. It transforms into translucent at the level of the fin.

A few of the easily identified characteristics that distinguish this silver fish from the red hook Silver dollar fish include:

  • The dorsal fin resembles a sloped equilateral triangle and is situated at the topmost point of their flat and tall bodies.
  • The front ridge of the red hook silver dollars’ dorsal fin is noticeably more opaque than the rest of it.
  • Its caudal fins are a V-shape that is 100% symmetrical;
  • The caudal silver dollar peduncle extends a little towards the caudal fin;
  • It is the presence of an anal fin with a distinct red that looks like an actual yacht’s rudder.

Additional general look indicators used by are used by the silver dollar fish with the red hook is a silver-dollar fish that shares features with the other dollars

  • Flat and tall figures;
  • Lumpy bodies;
  • The silver dollar has a variety of coloring that have some or all of a patchy look.

Silver dollar types: fish closely similar to the red hook Silver dollar fish

Spotted Silver Dollar FishThe silver dollar spotted fish is a mix of darker primary colors with gray undertones in its coloring.A popular choice for tropical fish lovers It is easy to differentiate apart from the other Silver Dollars due to its black spots!
Tiger Silver Dollar FishThe silver dollar tiger sparkles with a clean, sparkling blue-silver coloring, and massive dark vertical stripes that run across the length.A serene freshwater tiger who always puts on an amazing performance in the pool!

A red hook silver dollar fish’s maximum size is usually believed as 10 inches, but on average the length of mature fish varies from 6 to 8 inches.

They’re by no means small fish, making them ideal for the first attempt at setting up a larger tank! If you’re planning the setup for your brand new silver dollars, bear the fact that they can live at least tall, and are active.

The fish require the space to grow to their full size, practice their schooling behavior, and move freely. Make sure you plan your trip according to your needs!

Red Hook Silver Dollar Fish: Optimum Care And Tank Setup Idea

Being aware of how to care for fresh fish before you introduce them to your aquariums is a good method to ensure their health, happiness, and long-term health. Red hook metynnis fish are an example of a large silver dollar fish with many characteristics in treatment and behavior.

Find out all you can about caring for your Red Hook Silver Dollars with these suggestions provided by our specialists.

  1. Keep Your Red Hook Silver Dollars in a School of Five or More

Red Hook Silver Dollars are schooling fish. This means they will always be in an individual with other people belonging to similar species. A good school of this kind of fish is five to 10 Red Hook Silver Dollars in one tank.

  1. Provide Them With Enough Space for Shoaling

Apart from being a schooling species of fish Red Hook Silver Dollars have also been known to exhibit shoaling. Shoaling fish are grouped together to ensure security, and occasionally to establish an order of pecking — Fish like this need to be kept in a tank that can hold a minimum of 100 Gallons.

  1. Avoid Using Them as Dither Fish for Aggressive Species

Red Hook Silver Dollars make great Dither fish because of their calm disposition. They’re usually out on the water. This helps to encourage shyer members of a community tank to go out and meet other fish too.

But, it is best to avoid employing them in dither fishing as they are designed to distract more aggressive species that are in your tank. This will stress you Red Hook Silver Dollars and cause them to be susceptible to illness.

There are a few aspects you should think about when planning to introduce the red hook Silver dollar fish into an aquarium for a community:

  • The silver dollar’s natural habitat

These fish are thought to be found in the slower-moving sections of a river. They thrive in zones where overhanging and marginal plants are plentiful.

Silver dollar fish will greatly benefit by replicating what’s known as the “blackwater” environment found along the rivers they’re native to.

This can be accomplished by using decorative elements that resemble driftwood and rocks and also naturally decomposing Indian almond leaves.

Dark gravel with limited light is also suggested to Red hook the silver dollar tank of fish.

  • The diet of the red hook

The “plant piranha” is categorized as an omnivore species however, the silver dollar’s herbivore desires are something to consider when you set it in your aquarium.

The tank must be well-seeded, with plenty of space to allow for rapid-paced swimming. Only moderate water movement to keep the red hook Silver dollar fish content.

Choose plants that are sturdy, and make a plan to replace them regularly. If this is too difficult it is possible to consider artificial plants in lieu.

Silk-like and fabric-like plants can give you a real-world appearance without sacrificing the silver dollar’s need to be able to hide in the midst of the plants.

  • The insipid nature of the silver dollar fish with a red hook Silver dollar fish

Akin to refuge Fish, they are the shy and nervous group!

Plenty of plant coverage dim lighting, and lots of hiding spots are essential for the goldfish. As they grow older and establish their schooling behavior, this kind of tank will be sure to increase their confidence to swim in the wide spaces of the tanks.

  • Where do you want your silver dollars to hang out?

HD0_RED hook silver dollars spend most of their time in the middle and the upper portion of their tank.

The very rare occasions that make them go below these zones is when they’re egg-laying and breeding. It’s only once in a lifetime.

What is the significance of this for your tank’s configuration?

You’ll want (and require) an aquarium that is securely fitted with a lid! The fish can leap out from the water. This could be because of nature’s pull or during feedings; you shouldn’t let a 10-inch old silver dollar fish escape!

General Tank Features/Water Conditions for Happy and Healthy Red Hook Silver Dollar Fish:

Tank size72 15′ 15” 70 gallons (length and width are the minimum)
The number of fishA minimum of 5 fish is required to stimulate schooling behavior and peaceful temperament
pH levelis ideal 6.5-7.5 (but could range from 6.0 to 7.0 without negative consequences)
HardnessUp to 10degH

Note that you should add 10-15 gallons per extra fish when you’re planning to house more than five adults silver dollar red hook the silver dollar in one aquarium.

Food & Diet for Your Red Hook Silver Dollar Fish

You may be wondering if the fish species commonly referred to as “plant piranhas” has anything other than plants on its menu. It’s surprising that they have!

Apart from the tank conditions and tankmates that are suitable, You must give your precious silver dollars a healthy mix of pellets or flakes, green leafy vegetables, and some worms or algae for nutritional supplements.

They are omnivores with an intense herbivorous drive. They will consume tiny fish bite-size to their size. They will enjoy brine shrimps or bloodworms or other invertebrates.

They can take frozen or cooked commercially-produced aquarium food items.

If you truly want to sabotage those silver coins, here’s an extensive list of their most loved foods made from plants:

  • Summer squash;
  • Lettuce;
  • Spirulina;
  • Spring greens;
  • Algae wafers;
  • Peas;
  • Vegetable flakes;
  • Cucumbers;
  • Seaweed;
  • Leafy greens in general.

Find out how you can create the ideal nutrition plan for Red Hook Silver Dollars by studying the information below.

The Bigger the Fish, the Bigger the Food

Many novice fishkeepers feed only one meal of fish flakes in their silver dollars throughout their entire lives. The result is that fishing is starving often. When your silver dollars increase in size and age make sure you increase their intake of food too.

Go for Premium Fish Flakes or Pellets

If you have the money ensure you buy premium fish flakes or pellets for your silver dollar. The best food is made from whole foods, and not a lot of flavors or chemicals. Making the investment in high-quality fish foods can save you money in the long run on health expenses.

Include Fruit and Vegetables to Create an Energizing Diet

Wild, Red Hook Silver Dollars often feed on small pieces of fruits or vegetables.

Imitating this can allow you to have fun feeding your fish and ensure they get access to the minerals and vitamins that they take from fresh, correctly cut-up fruit and vegetables. You can feed your fish with fruits like melons, leafy veggies edible seeds, such as green peas, or even gourds such as pumpkin or squash.

The silver dollar red hook fish can be fed on a varying schedule that reinforces its low maintenance status. Two times a day of feeding is sufficient for your silver dollars that love plants.

Behavior And Temperament

A red hook silver dollar is a schooling fish, meaning that you won’t see any individuality shining through. They’re a gorgeous bunch, nonetheless!

While they can be nervous and timid, they are confident in large numbers. This is among the main reasons it’s advised to house at least five fish with red hook Silver dollar-sized fish within the same tank.

They tend to be non-aggressive and peaceful species that thrive in tanks that are community-based, particularly when they are joined by big species. They are also non-confrontational animals.

The only kind of behavior that you need to be concerned about is red hooks assuming smaller fish for a snack. One of the main reasons you should not pair with the Red hook sterling dollar is smaller or highly aggressive fish.

If you have ample space for swimming and numerous refugees available and there is a school of red hook silver dollars are likely to take up the upper area in the tank.

Fish that are silver dollars in size can be an active species when you can meet the requirements of their personalities!

Red Hook Silver Dollar Fish Tank Mates

Here’s a quick step-by-step guide that will help figure out possible tank partners in your school in silver hook the silver dollar:

Perfect tank mates are built on the behavior of a red hook Silver dollar fish may thrive as a species alone in larger school sizes that are larger than the minimum size. However, they can also be tranquil and gentle companions to similar-tempered fish. If everyone has their own plants to eat on, there shouldn’t be problems with having a communal tank that allows red hooks to share their environment.
The Ideal Tank Mates Based on the sizeChoose larger species when you are choosing the tankmates to the silver dollar fish. hook Silver dollar fish. Be aware that they can be as long as 10 inches and can get the same height as they are wide, with a near-perfect circular shape.
The ideal Tankmates are based on Tank designated zoneThe silver dollar fish be found in the upper areas of your tank. they are most likely to be found in the top areas during feeding times as well as swim-time. The best method for some contrast is to look for tankmates who prefer spending time in the lower portion and the bottom. The two kinds of tank companions will not only enhance the look of your aquarium but also prevent any behavioral changes in any species. Don’t fight if you’re not even bumping into one another!
Tank Mates to AvoidDo not set yourself up to fail by introducing small or even less aggressive species to tank mates to that red hook Silver dollar. You’ll be losing the smaller fish, or you’ll end up with anxious or stressed-out silver dollar fish.

Tankmates for a red hook silver dollar fish, you must definitely think about it like:


Red hook the silver dollar might appear to be it’s a daunting adventure, but it all boils down to preparing yourself to be successful.

These are 4 steps to take for the breeding success in silver dollar fish

  • Improve the water and tank conditions

A number of successful red hook breeders who have silver dollars say that the use of a peat-filtered aquarium makes a massive impact on optimizing the tank’s water to prepare for breeding. Therefore, it’s worthwhile to research this method of filtering well in advance.

Another option to consider in advance is to bring home at minimum 6 fish with red hook silverfish to the same tank and allow ample time for them to work out their tankmates’ sex. This knowledge will allow them to go right to the business of breeding.

You can also make your tank prepared to breed by adding exquisite plants like Java Moss or Cabomba. These areas of refuge in the water make it easier for the female red hook silver dollar females to lay eggs and be which are ready to fertilize.

  • Learn to differentiate between the sexes of silver dollar fish. hook the silver dollar fish

The easiest method to distinguish males from females is by observing the distinctive characteristic that differentiates them from other silver-dollar fish: their long anterior fin (the hook! ).

In males, the anal fin gets expanded and becomes an intense shade of red. This is the perfect time for breeding comes around.

Females sport a larger and more rounded anal fin as well as an apparent enlarged lower abdomen when they carry eggs.

A female can lay as many as 2,000 eggs, and she will scatter them among plants in the lower area within the tank.

A few will break through, and it’s suggested that you test outbreeding in tanks that have dime-sized marbles for the substrate. The eggs will sink to the bottom of your tank, and be kept from view by mature fish.

Whatever way you choose you’ll have to take the eggs of the red hook and the silver dollar fish from the tank in your community because they’ll be eaten after they’ve been laid.

  • Move red hook silver dollars in the Community Tank.

When your silver hook silver dollars have reached an appropriate size (when they aren’t confused with food! ) It’s time to bring them back into the tank of your community.

Be on the lookout for any signs of white spot diseases, or other indications of illness after the change. A sudden change in the temperature of the water can cause problems in juvenile fish.


How Big Do Red Hook Silver Dollars Get?

The standard adult Red Hook Silver Dollar size can vary between 8 to 10 inches, and males will eventually become larger than females.

How Many Silver Dollar Fish Should Be Kept Together?

Silver Dollars perform the best when they are kept in a group. Silver Dollars tend to be schooling fish, and therefore feel more secure and safe when in groups. It is recommended for them to be in groups of at most 5 individuals.

How Big Do Red Hooks Get?

Red hook silver dollar fish’s maximum size is generally believed as 10 inches, but on average the length of mature fish varies from 6-to 8 inches. What’s this? They’re by no means small fish, which is why they are perfect for your first experience with a bigger tank!

What Fish Can You Put With Silver Dollar Fish?

Some of our top picks within this category include bristle nose and clown plecos. Cory catfish and Kuhli loaches are also excellent silver dollar tank companions. There are plenty of cichlids that also make excellent tank companions. For instance, the Oscar fish, the red empress, and the blue dolphin are excellent cichlid companions.

Can Silver Dollars Live With Angelfish?

Angelfish are a great fish to have with Silver dollar fish. They look stunning with large stripes, vibrant colors, and long flowing fins. The best part of keeping angelfish alongside the silver dollar fish is that they increase to approximately 10 inches in size.

Are Silver Dollars Aggressive Fish?

Silver dollars are classified as semi-aggressive however, certain silver dollars are extremely gentle. They are able to be kept in tanks for community use with fish that won’t fit into their mouths and when they’re fully grown they are able to be kept alongside larger fish, such as oscars, pikes, and bigger catfish.


We’ve talked a lot regarding Red Hook Silver Dollars and how you can give them the best possible life inside your fish tank.

Let’s review the lessons we have learned!

  • Red Hook Silver Dollars tranquil, schooling fish.
  • They are fairly easy to breed, provided that you take the time to make the appropriate preparations.
  • They are Dither fish, but just to attract your shyer members of your aquatic community.
  • They are a great match for bottom feeders as well as other gentle (but not too large! ) fish.
  • They are simple to feed and can enjoy eating greens with a leaf and occasionally fruit and high-quality fish flakes as well as bloodworms and algae.

Red hook Silver dollar fish can be as low maintenance as freshwater fish are.

With an original design and a captivating color, they’ll provide your tank with a vibrant feel for the duration of time.

Make sure to satisfy their desire for food made from plants!

Once you’ve mastered the basics of caring for Red Hook Silver Dollar fish You can begin to introduce them and take care of the fish inside your fish tank with total assurance.


Dibyajyoti Bordoloi is the creator and author of, a third-generation experienced fish keeper and owner of a successful pet breeding farm. He is also a member of the Center for Wildlife Rehabilitation And Conservation (Assam), the Marine Aquarium Societies of North East India, and the Kaziranga Nature Conservancy of Assam.